Dragon Age 2 Key Art

Dragon Age II

The second installment of the Dragon Age franchise, Dragon Age II follows the ten-year journey of Hawke. From a lowly refugee of the 5th blight of Ferelden to Champion of the city of Kirkwall, the story of Hawke and his companions is one filled with great twists and turns. Which form of the story will you tell, as the world slowly descends into chaos all around you?

Play as Hawke, and recruit up to nine companions as you rise in fame and fortune. Deal with rogue templars, mad mages, an invading Qunari force, and keep back the tide of change for as long as possible. But once the tipping point comes, will you embrace your destiny or be destroyed by it?

Now available with three major DLC packs, Mark of the Assassin, The Exiled Prince, and Legacy.