Happy Holidays from the TechRaptor Team!

Published: December 25, 2014 6:00 PM /


TechRaptor Happy Holidays 2014

It's that time of year - with trees, lights, wreaths, mistletoe, and of course...presents! While you're unwrapping or have already unwrapped your presents, we want to take the time to wish a Happy Holidays to our readers and their families! While our staff takes the day off and enjoys their family time (and gaming + tech tinker time), we hope that you also enjoy your time spent around family and friends!

We're nearing the end of 2014, and we're preparing for the New Year every day - hoping to bring you more exciting and high quality content as we grow, and you grow with us! We're excited to have all of you as members of our Pack, with more joining us every day!

On a more personal note, I'm really happy and proud of what my staff at TechRaptor has achieved thus far this year. We have a solid group of friendly people who want nothing more than to work together to grow something incredible. I know it's sappy to say, but I feel like each and every one of our 50+ staff members is a part of my family. We've been through highs, lows, and scares over the last few months especially - but we've come out even stronger every time.

I'll have a nice long "year in review" post ready for you on January 1st, and I can't wait to share every bit of our growth and plans with each and every one of our readers. You're a part of this site too, and I hope to build a strong and friendly community around TechRaptor that will be around for a long time to come!

I love this team, I love this site, I love being in this growth phase, and I love each and every one of you who comes to visit our site every day. Without you, what we're doing wouldn't be possible. I can't wait to share future plans, and what we accomplish each and every month with you for many to come!

No matter who you are, what your hobbies are, or where you stand on any issue - we're happy to have you with us, and hope that you'll continue to visit.

Happy Holidays Raptor Pack!

- Rutledge Daugette

Have a tip, or want to point out something we missed? Leave a Comment or e-mail us at tips@techraptor.net

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