A Major Milestone In Our Journey - 5 Million Pageviews

Published: January 31, 2016 8:04 PM /


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For humans and raptors, what keeps them alive is the blood that flows in their veins. For a website - it's the users that visit on a regular basis that keep it alive, and the pageviews that come along with those users. Those pageviews have been steadily increasing for us, and we want to share our thanks, and this milestone in particular with our readers.

TechRaptor is lucky to have a consistently growing readerbase that is one we're incredibly proud to serve. More than anything, we want to build a community around TechRaptor, of people who are as passionate about Tech and Gaming as we are. One day, we'd like to expand into more, as well!

As of today, January 31st 2016, TechRaptor has surpassed a major milestone with 5,000,000 total pageviews across the site. With an average of 250,000-270,000 a month, we're happy to be here, and doing everything we can to make those numbers increase. For those of you that read our site daily, thank you for believing in our work - we put a lot of effort and time into every article that we write.

To put things in perspective at the end of January in 2015 we were sitting at 1,910,000 pageviews total for the life of our site since starting in March of 2013. That means that in the last 12 months, we've had 3,094,000 pageviews. That. Is. Incredible. I know the staff is as excited as I am when I share this, because they're posting some incredible content and it's getting seen more and more. That's what we want - to share our content with our readers and the world, and thanks to the Raptor Pack, it's happening. I'm so excited about the future!

Beyond the pageviews, here's a few quick updates on what we have planned in the coming weeks:

Website Redesign

If you haven't seen my personal tweets, or some of the recent ones on our main account - we're in process of redesigning our website. We've hired an incredible designer to help us in this process, and the expense is hands-down the biggest we've had, which should speak volumes to how much this matters to us. We're asking for readers help with the redesign, and we'll have a very big announcement here in a few weeks, so stay tuned!

The State of TechRaptor

Returns in February of 2016 - I'm planning on taking a better approach to these. The plan is more of a video blog than a stale, and to be honest, boring way of doing it before. They'll also be more short and sweet.

TechRaptor Monthly Q&A

Returns in Mid-February of 2016 - We'll continue to use the same format.

Year of 2015 Recap

This was more daunting than I realized, so it's taking more time than anticipated! I should have it completed soon!

Thank you for your support, I'm so incredibly proud and happy with what we're accomplishing. The TechRaptor community is amazing!

Rutledge Daugette, Founder & CEO

Have a tip, or want to point out something we missed? Leave a Comment or e-mail us at tips@techraptor.net

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