Dungeons & Dragons Live 2021 Reveals Fizban's Treasury of Dragons

Ahead of D&D Live 2021 we now know more about The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, and Fizban's Treasury of Dragons will put the Dragon in D&D

Published: July 16, 2021 9:00 AM /


The Wild Beyond the Witchlight

Dungeons & Dragons Live 2021 has begun today and for the next 48 hours there will be all kinds of fun D&D related announcements. We had a chance to get a bit of info ahead of the big event for today though including more information on September’s release The Wild Beyond the Witchlight as well as a new book coming out in October.

The Wild Beyond the Witchlight

We know we’re going to be headed to the Feywild for the first time in 5th Edition, we’ve seen the gorgeous alternate artwork, and we know that this 1-8 adventure will be releasing September 21st. So what about what we don’t know?

This adventure will focus on the mysterious Witchlight Carnival, while the adventure will primarily take place in the Feywild the carnival itself can be dropped into any campaign setting. Is Fey Day coming up in your Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign? Why not seed some magic into the story. This campaign will include the formalization of the faeries race, as well as the harengon (what the rabbit folk race from the Feywild Unearthed Arcana are now called.) There are also two new backgrounds; the Feylost, for any PC that wants to have their origin as a character who grew up in the Feywild and then found their way out, or the Witchlight Hand, a member of the Witchlight Carnival itself.

 An emphasis has been placed on The Wild Beyond the Witchlight to stretch what people would expect of a Dungeons & Dragons campaign and all encounters within will include non-combat options. If your table likes to get deep into the roleplay and stay away from initiative rolls this could be an extremely unique experience.

While not too much was emphasized about the Carnival itself, its workings, or what kind of adventure the players will be led on those who played D&D in the 80s might recognize familiar names such as Warduke, Strongheart, and Kelek among others.

Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons hatches in October

The new book announcement that Wizards of the Coast have made today is a new Sourcebook called Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons. Anyone paying attention to UA trends likely knew this was coming but it’s still exciting to see so much about the Dragons part of Dungeons & Dragons being explored.

This Sourcebook will add the Gem Dragonborn races, give greater context to the ‘Dragons’ of the world, and give DMs plenty of opportunities and ideas for how to involved these majestic (and terrifying) beasts into their campaigns. There will be 20 different kinds of dragons detailed within including lair maps. If you thought there needed to be more Dragons... then this book will have you covered.

While that’s all of the new announcements at this time there’s also plenty of D&D content to consume while D&D Live is going on including a deep dive into Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons this afternoon, a Dungeon Master Roundtable, and Strixhaven deep dive tomorrow, and a number of D&D games being played by notable D&D personalities, celebrities, and more (I know I’m looking forward to the Lost Odyssey Table with Jack Black, Reggie Watts, and Tiffany Haddish.) You can check out more info on the schedule and the games being played at the Official D&D Live 2021 Website.

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Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

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