Xbox E3 2017- The Artful Escape Brings Music to the Xbox One

Published: June 11, 2017 7:08 PM /


artful escape e3

Coming from the creative developers of Annapurna Interactive, The Artful Escape is a game where you get to play as Francis Vendetti, a young, four-eyed musician who travels across the surfaces of various planets and dimensions with the help of what one can imagine is a magical guitar, going on an adventure that is filled with "great expectations, famous folk singers, lingering shadows, space Gods, hallucinogens, individuality, reptile shops, and wild imaginations".

As far as can be told from the trailer, The Artful Escape is a side-scrolling platformer that has a particular emphasis on color, featuring a very wide range of bright colors for pretty much everything, from Francis' guitar to forests to some kind of multi-headed eagle flying boat with purple sails. Perhaps the best example of this is a snowy planet that was shown off in the game's trailer, featuring a wide range of purples as another planet presumably creates an eclipse effect in the background, causing what would otherwise be a bland landscape to turn into something that wouldn't be out of place at a Bob Ross art gallery.

In other words, think of The Artful Escape as a something like a more sci-fi version Castle Crashers, but instead of swords and knights, you're a guitarist who uses the power of music to travel to distant shores that one can only dream of. Alternatively, The Artful Escape can be seen as a game that has a rather frank and straightforward title, being a game that can be used to demonstrate that games are an art form for the modern era, thanks to its wondrous visuals and lighthearted music.

The Artful Escape will be released "when it's damn ready" for the Xbox One, which should give you an idea of both the kind of polish that the developers are aiming for and the kind of tone you can expect from the game.

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Anson is a Writer at TechRaptor and has been playing games for as long as he can remember. As far as he's concerned, games are one of the greatest forms of… More about Anson

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September 9, 2021 (Calendar)
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