Spotify Gets Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers Soundtrack Tomorrow

Masayoshi Soken's Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers soundtrack is arriving on Spotify and Apple Music starting tomorrow, giving gamers the chance to stream some tunes from the epic Square Enix MMORPG for free.

Published: August 12, 2021 3:35 PM /


Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers Soundtrack FF14 cover

The Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers soundtrack is making its debut on Spotify and Apple Music soon, making 88 epic tracks of Masayoshi Soken's work available to stream for free.

Final Fantasy XIV is Square Enix's flagship MMORPG for the Final Fantasy franchise, a long-running series of fantasy games that also happens to have some pretty fantastic music.

Making a soundtrack for any big production can be a challenge and an MMORPG is an even more daunting task for any composer to undertake. Square Enix veteran Masayoshi Soken tackled the project, continuing the legacy of awesome Final Fantasy music that was started by Nobuo Uematsu over 30 years ago.

Soken was so dedicated to the project, in fact, that he continued to work on the Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers soundtrack while he was undergoing chemotherapy treatment in the hospital. He composed several tracks during that time including the song "To The Edge," driven by his love of music and support from the fans.

"Seeing the reactions of all the players around the world, it helped me conquer this cancer," Soken said via a translator.

The soundtrack is pretty great and can be listened to in the game, but video game aficionados sometimes like to enjoy gaming music while doing other things. That's about to get a whole lot easier: the Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers soundtrack debuts on Spotify tomorrow.

Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers Soundtrack FF14 slice

When Does the Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers Soundtrack Launch on Spotify?

The Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers soundtrack will launch tomorrow, August 13, 2021, on Spotify according to AniPlaylist, a Twitter account that typically tracks when anime songs are added to the streaming platform.

Of course, Spotify won't be the only place that you can get this soundtrack; you can also buy the Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers soundtrack on Amazon and on Apple Music for $27.99 or your regional equivalent; you also have the option to buy individual tracks. And if you're a truly massive fan of the franchise, you can pre-order a selection of the songs in a special Vinyl LP Box Edition that will cost you a hefty $99.99.

Final Fantasy music has always been pretty good and it's great to see it being made more widely available to fans around the world. The best way to hear it, however, is probably by enjoying it alongside the game — you can play Final Fantasy XIV on PC, Mac, and PlayStation starting at $19.99 or your regional equivalent.

Disclosure: Amazon works with TechRaptor for affiliate partnership, and TechRaptor earns a small commission off purchases made from some links in this article.

What's your favorite song in the Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers soundtrack? What's your favorite Final Fantasy song of all time? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Game Page Final Fantasy XIV
Square Enix
Square Enix
Release Date
August 27, 2013 (Calendar)
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