Halo Infinite Melee Glitch Not Fixed Because Devs Assigned Elsewhere

A Halo Infinite melee glitch that causes melee attacks not to register online isn't being fixed because the devs who would usually work on it are doing "other Infinite work", according to 343

Published: June 28, 2022 8:33 AM /


Master Chief holding a rifle in Halo Infinite

A prominent Halo Infinite melee glitch that is causing melee hits not to register online isn't being fixed due to a reallocation of resources, according to developer 343 Industries. 343 says that the devs who would usually work on the fix are currently assigned elsewhere on the game.

So why isn't this Halo Infinite melee glitch being fixed?

Some Halo Infinite glitches are relatively harmless, like the Scorpion gun glitch that allowed players to speedrun the game's campaign. Some, however, are more malicious, and that's where this Halo Infinite melee glitch comes in. Redditor Skeeter_206 claimed on the official Halo Infinite subreddit that melee in the game is "still incredibly broken", providing two videos in which melee hits fail to register and he's killed during a multiplayer game as a result. The problem is pretty obvious; the Redditor throws out a melee attack and it doesn't land at all, even though he's well within melee range.

A firefight in Halo Infinite
Firefights in Halo Infinite are fine, but woe betide you if you get into a close-up melee brawl.

343 Industries developer Brian Berryhill, who goes by 343_Taxi on Reddit, subsequently responded to Skeeter_206's post. In his response, Berryhill says that although there's "a lot of factors" regarding why problems like this haven't been fixed, it's essentially because the developers who would usually work on fixes for these problems "have been allocated to other Infinite work". According to Berryhill, this work has "had some knock-on benefit" to fixing networking synchronization problems, but not those directly pertaining to melee hits or "around the wall" shots (another problem being experienced by Halo Infinite multiplayer gamers). Berryhill says that the devs should be coming back to his team soon, which hopefully means that a fix for the melee collision bug is on the way. For now, however, it looks like you'll just have to sit tight if you're a Halo Infinite player.

Halo Infinite is earning both praise and ire from its player base

Right now, Halo Infinite is in something of a tricky spot. The game's second season, Lone Wolves, launched last month, bringing with it some much-needed new content including extra maps and gameplay modes. Fans have praised the new content that Season 2 brought with it, but there's also been criticism of 343 Industries' priorities when it comes to Halo Infinite. The above melee desync issue was actually discovered months ago, but it still hasn't been fixed despite 343 claiming that it was working on fixes back in February. Given Brian Berryhill's response to the disgruntled Redditor who pointed out the issue, though, it looks like we now know why it hasn't been fixed.

Several players waiting for a fight to begin in Halo Infinite
Don't worry; if the player with the hammer up there approaches you, Halo Infinite melee desync issues mean you have nothing to fear. Probably.

Hopefully, 343 Industries will be able to provide a fix for the melee desync issues soon and Halo Infinite players can get back to driving Warthogs off cliffs and running each other over with Banshees without fear of server issues. In the meantime, if you'd like to check out Halo Infinite, you can do so on Xbox consoles or on PC. If you're playing on PC, the game is available either via the Microsoft Store or via Steam. The multiplayer mode is free, but you'll have to open up your wallet for the campaign.

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

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Game Page Halo Infinite
343 Industries
Microsoft Studios
Release Date
December 8, 2021 (Calendar)
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