Final Fantasy XIV VR Mod Aims To Immerse You In Eorzea

Enterprising modders are working on a Final Fantasy XIV VR mod, allowing you to experience the sights and sounds of Eorzea as if you were really there.

Published: November 7, 2022 10:31 AM /


The player soaring across the skies on a mount in Final Fantasy XIV

If you've ever wanted to experience Eorzea firsthand through a Final Fantasy XIV VR mod, then your time may almost be here. A pair of enterprising modders are working on a full VR mod for the game, and an alpha will apparently release "soon".

Final Fantasy XIV is going from strength to strength, receiving regular content patches and driving Square Enix's finances thanks to a high subscriber count. However, games could always be more immersive, and that's where modders Marulu and Streetrat come in.

You might recognize the names of these modders from the Half-Life 2 VR mod, on which they previously worked. The Final Fantasy XIV VR mod aims to offer six degrees of freedom, meaning you won't be constrained to a movement track and will be able to explore the world of Eorzea however you please.

A group of players stand around waiting to start the Titan encounter in the Final Fantasy XIV VR mod
This Final Fantasy XIV VR mod should make the Titan encounter one to remember. Screenshot courtesy of Flat2VR on Twitter.

According to modding community Flat2VR on Twitter, the Final Fantasy XIV VR mod will support both first-person and third-person views, and will also incorporate motion controls "and more", which is rather exciting. Probably best to test this out on Sastasha rather than some of the later dungeons or trials, though.

Flat2VR says that the Final Fantasy XIV VR mod alpha will be ready to try out "in about two weeks". That news was delivered in response to Oculus founder Palmer Luckey's tease regarding his VR headset that literally kills you, so let's hope the FFXIV VR mod doesn't have anything like that built into it. That would certainly lend some spice to wiping on the last Endwalker boss.

Final Fantasy XIV is available right now for PC and PlayStation devices. The VR mod will, unfortunately, only be available via PC. Given Square Enix's attitude towards modding the game, you might also want to be careful with how public you make your use of this mod. We'll bring you more on this as soon as we get it.

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph