Elden Ring Will Have Multiple Endings And A Huge World

Lots of new Elden Ring information is coming through, and it looks like it's going to be huge

Published: August 27, 2021 10:07 AM /


The player battling one of Elden Ring's many enemies

Journalists are getting a chance to go hands-on with Elden Ring, and plenty more information is being revealed as a result. Thanks to new previews, we now know more about the game's fast travel systems, its endings, and its dungeons, plus lots more.

What new Elden Ring information has come to light?

Plenty of major platforms have Elden Ring previews live, and they've had a chance to get to grips with the core systems and world of the game. As you might expect from a From Software game, there will be multiple endings and pathways to discover, as well as lots of lore to brush up on. However, as revealed by The Verge's preview, this one takes a more conventional approach to the narrative. While there will still be lore to discover, the story is more traditional, with the player taking part in an unfolding narrative rather than discovering something that's already happened.

A player battling one of Elden Ring's enemies on horseback
Horseback combat will be a big deal in Elden Ring, and yes - archers and mages will be able to fight on horseback too.

Much is made in many of the previews of the Legacy Dungeons, which From Software says are akin to the traditional Soulsborne-style environments. Interestingly, it seems you'll be able to choose how to approach many of Elden Ring's situations. The Gamespot preview talks about the Stormvale Castle area, in which players are given a choice between storming the gates - so to speak - or sneaking around the back for an easier time. Legacy Dungeons are scattered about the Lands Between along with a number of smaller trap-filled locations to delve into, and don't worry - if you think you'll get lost, there's a map to help you.

Elden Ring's open world seems to have been modelled more on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild than on the Ubisoft-style icon-scattered experience. From Software says there are areas of interest dotted around the map, but you'll have to see them and go to them before they're marked, so you're encouraged to explore and discover things for yourself. You can fast travel from anywhere on Elden Ring's massive map, except dungeons. That should stop you getting stuck in some remote corner of the world. What's more, it's all been designed with verticality in mind - including the dungeons - since players have access to a jump move.

What new Elden Ring combat information do we have?

It's not all about exploration, of course (although if you're a Soulsborne fan, you'll know that's a huge part of the experience). Combat in Elden Ring has also been expanded. Per the Eurogamer preview, if you're resting at one of Elden Ring's Sites of Lost Grace (think bonfires), you can switch between several different weapons and try out different skill builds without any penalties. You'll also have a variety of approaches to take in combat - you can tackle enemies head-on, choose a stealthy approach, or even summon enemy minions to help you, all of which should go towards making Elden Ring more accessible.

A huge, imposing castle in Elden Ring
You'll have plenty of options when it comes to taking on Elden Ring's imposing Legacy Dungeons.

The stealth in Elden Ring will supposedly work in a pretty similar way to Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Just like that game, enemies will also have a balance meter that you can break, and you'll be able to perform the new Guard Counter move, which is a strike just after you block. Enemies can counter it, though, so you'll need to be on your toes. The world of Elden Ring will feature a large number of optional encounters and bosses to take on, too, so there are plenty of reasons to explore its massive world. If you're planning on a bow or magic build, breathe a sigh of relief, because archery and magic use are both possible on horseback.

When is the Elden Ring release date?

If you've read all this and you can't wait to get your hands on the game, first of all, you're not alone. Secondly, you'll be happy to know that the Elden Ring release date isn't that far off; the game will launch on January 22nd. It's launching for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S, with a launch also on the cards for the PS4 and Xbox One. If you grab the last-gen version, there will also be a free next-gen upgrade available.

We're sure to learn even more about From Software's next crushingly difficult RPG as the months tick down to its January release. In the meantime, sink your teeth into what we have, and remember: don't play at being a lord if you're just a foul Tarnished.

Are you excited to play Elden Ring? Let us know in the comments below!

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

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