Len's Island Farming Guide

Last Update: May 12, 2022 5:57 PM /


Len's Island Farming Guide - cover

In this Len's Island Farming Guide, I'll tell you everything you need to know to grow food and make money in this dungeon crawling and building game from Flow Studio.

How To Get Started with Len's Island Farming

Farming in Len's Island is fairly straightforward at first glance. First, you're going to need to build a home and gather some materials; refer to our Beginner's Guide if you're just getting started out.

Next, you'll need to build a Work Bench -- you don't have everything you need to start farming by default. Make sure you've unlocked the first Watering Can, the Farm, and the Well. Then, you'll need to follow this short and simple process:

  1. Build one or more Farms.
  2. Build a Well nearby.
  3. Plant whatever food you'd like on the Farms.
  4. Equip your Watering Can, fill it up at the Well, and water all of your Farms.
  5. Continue to water your Farms as necessary until the harvest is ready.
  6. Once the crops are grown, harvest them and repeat.

How to Get More Crops in Len's Island

You'll likely start off with Blue Berries (although it's possible that you may have acquired Grapes or other food items as loot in The Ancient Caves or elsewhere). However, you can easily purchase more crops at the Farmer's Market in Bridgewater once you've repaired the bridge to town.

A Note on the Lattice

The majority of crops are grown on a Farm, but two crops -- specifically Passionfruit and Grapes -- are planted on the Lattice. The Lattice can be unlocked fairly early in the game, but it isn't really worth the hassle in my opinion -- especially because of the crazy amounts of automation you can do with other crops.

Len's Island Farming Guide - Automation

How to Automate Farming in Len's Island

Len's Island Farming can be automated in two different ways: easier watering and automatic watering. (Unfortunately, you'll still have to plant and harvest your crops by hand.)

How the Water Tower works in Len's Island

Let's start with the Water Tower. If you try to build a Water Tower next to a Farm, you'll notice a blue line. These blue lines show which Farms are in range of the Water Tower. Ideally, you want to cover all of your Farms with as few Water Towers as possible.

Keep in mind that you'll also have to build the Water Tower next to a Well. If one isn't nearby, you could always dismantle an existing Well or build a new one; after all, Wells are pretty cheap and you can more easily build an extra Well somewhere than you could build another Water Tower.

The Water Tower will automatically water your Farms as long as it has Water in it. Unfortunately, you'll have to manually fill the Water Tower by using one of the three Watering Cans in the game -- at least until you

How to Unlock the Len's Island Water Tower

You can unlock the Len's Island Water Tower by upgrading your Work Bench to Level 2.

The Len's Island Windmill Makes Farming Easy

The Windmill should be your next goal. Aside from allowing you to turn Wheat into Flour, it can power a connected Well and Water tower to ensure an infinite supply of Water to your Farms. If you set it up right, you'll never have to water your crops by hand again -- and that's the next part of this Len's Island Farming Guide.

How to Unlock the Len's Island Windmill

You can unlock the Len's Island Windmill by upgrading your Work Bench to Level 3.

Len's Island Farming Guide - plan

How to Maximize Farming Production

Next up in our Len's Island Farming Guide is some tips on how to maximize production. Farming is a necessary source of food (and often a good source of money), but what's the best way to go about it?

Refer to the above schematic -- a group of connected farms in a 9x12 grid will provide a total of 954 individual spaces for crops. Water Towers should go in the blue squares; simply place a Foundation in that spot instead of a Farm and place the Water Tower on top. As for the yellow spaces, that's where you're going to have to put a Well and a Windmill.

This design makes the most use out of the Water Towers in an organized space; note that you could probably squeeze in a few more Farms on the outside or expand the design with additional Water Towers, Wells, and Windmills. However, I've found this exact setup to serve as a good balance for supplying you with food and Coins -- especially if you select the right crop to plant.

An Important Note on Large Scale Farming

With the above design, you can easily pull in thousands of a crop each harvest depending on the type. Do keep in mind, however, that you have an inventory limit depending on which Backpack you're using -- if you pick up an item and you're maxed out, it will simply be destroyed. Make sure to sell some of your crops in town when you get near the maximum amount before you continue harvesting!

Len's Island Farming Guide - Best Crop

What is the Best Crop in Len's Island?

If there's any one thing you take away from our Len's Island Farming Guide, make it this: the best crop in Len's Island is the Pumpkin in terms of sheer versaility and ease of use, although Wheat has its advantages, too.

Firstly, the Pumpkin is an excellent source of food; it fills up somewhere around 40% of your hunger bar. Secondly, they sell for 1 Coin apiece; you can make well over 1,000 Coins with each harvest if you use the automated setup described in the previous section. There's also the advantage of harvesting Pumpkins with the Scythe; Watermelons were a bit buggy in the early game.

However, a comment from AjMan14 on this guide shows an impressive amount of data  on Pumpkins vs. Wheat. Wheat, on its own, is a more profitable crop if you're simply growing food for money. If you intend to eat it, though, you're going to have to make it into Bread which adds an extra step.

In short, here are the takeways:

  • If you want a good source of food with minimal preparation, grow Pumpkins.
  • If you want to grow food purely for profit, grow Wheat.
  • If you want to make the most money and get the best food, you can grow Wheat -- but you're going to have to make it into Flour (and make that Flour into Bread) to get usable food.

Have a tip, or want to point out something we missed? Leave a Comment or e-mail us at tips@techraptor.net

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N