Black Ops Cold War PS5 Download Size Isn't As Large As Feared

Published: November 4, 2020 2:23 PM /


Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War download size leaked cover

The Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War PS5 download size has been confirmed as 133 GB, but that may not be the end of the story.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War arrives in a little over a week. This next great Call of Duty game is bringing some interesting changes to the franchise with the addition of an Apex Legends-style ping system and the return of the Zombies game mode with a new option to escape the map. As with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, PlayStation gamers will also get an exclusive 2-player game mode for one year

How Big is the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War PS5 Download Size?

The official PC specs state that the game only requires 82GB for all game modes at launch on PC with an option to add in better graphics at the cost of more storage space; ultimately, the game should be a fair bit smaller than Modern Warfare on PC. Furthermore, a new blog post from the game lists entirely different numbers:

  • PlayStation 4: 95 GB
  • PlayStation 5: 133 GB
  • Xbox One: 93 GB
  • Xbox Series X|S: 136 GB

Naturally, Activision cautions players that the file size will increase over time with post-launch patches, especially when new content is added to the game.

...But a Leak Suggests It Could Be Bigger

    An image posted on Twitter purports to show the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare PS5 download size listed as "285 GB minimum" on what appears to be the back of the game's box art. Combine that with reports that the PS5 will only have 667GB of usable storage space and this leak indicates that a full install of Black Ops Cold War would take up 42.73% of your integrated storage.

    The purported leak raises some questions — where is the 285 GB number coming from? If this image is indeed real — do note that this rumored leak should be taken with a grain of salt (and more this time given the official numbers above), as always — it may be accounting for players installing everything from both Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, and/or Call of Duty: Warzone, which would require assets from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare..

    Activision previously introduced the ability for players to only install the parts of the game they want; in practical terms, players can likely save on storage space by not installing the single-player campaign or other elements if they're only interested in certain parts of the available game modes.

    Even the smaller file sizes are pretty darn big, so players should expect to reserve a fair amount of their internal storage for the next Call of Duty game. You'll be able to play it when it launches on November 13, 2020; for now, you can pre-purchase Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War via its official website.

    How big do you think the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War PS5 download size will actually be?

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    More Info About This Game
    Learn More About Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
    Raven Software
    Release Date
    October 13, 2020 (Calendar)
    Purchase (Some links may be affiliated)