Predicting E3 2016: Sony

Published: June 10, 2016 1:00 PM /


E3 2016 Sony Preview Image

E3 is right around the corner and its time for a few predictions! Sony has held strong as the Playstation 4 is arguably the leading game console. It's an exciting time to be a Playstation fan with so many games announced last year that are still to come. On this list, I will begin with a few games we already know about and expect to see more information on, and a few wildcards which could happen (Or at the very least I would love to see happen).

Known and Expected Games

The Last Guardian

It would be shocking if Sony didn't show us more of The Last Guardian. The ever desired sequel to Shadow of the Colossus has been in development hell for 7 years now and got a revival last year, and is still slated for a 2016 release, though we haven't heard much news about it since it was revealed at E3 2016.


No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky is slowly falling into the same realm of over hype that The Last Guardian and so many other games that couldn't live up to expectations that the developers built up for it. Said to be a game that procedurally generates a universe, with every player starting off in a different spot with very little chance of running into each other, No Man's Sky is ambitious to say the least, and already the developers have pushed back the expected release date (with the expected backlash to go along with it). Check out this article for details on All We Know about No Man's Sky.

Gravity Rush 2

Gravity Rush was one of the most unique games on the Vita, and thankfully it was remade on the PlayStation 4 so a reasonable amount of people can actually experience it. Subsequently, Gravity Rush 2 was also confirmed for the PlayStation 4 some time ago, and it would be surprising if they didn't at least show a highlight of the upcoming sequel. Gravity Rush was a smaller release, and despite having a less than coherent story, its art and gameplay made up for it in the long run.

I Am Setsuna

One of the first games to be made by Square Enix's new Tokyo RPG Factory, a team of game developers with the intent of returning to JRPG basics. Not much is known about I Am Setsuna, other than it's heavily inspired by traditional Final Fantasy games as well as Chrono Trigger, but to say that people are excited for a return to Square's JRPG days would be an understatement.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Last year, Sony ended their conference with a very brief teaser for a Final Fantasy 7 HD Remake. In the last year, we've actually gotten quite a bit of info on the game. It will be released in an episodic format, and its combat is going to resemble the combat of Kingdom Hearts. The choice to make these non conventional changes has been met with mixed response; it's hard to say how well they will execute it. I think it's quite likely that they'll show more gameplay, and I'm going to make a call and say that we'll get our first glance at Sephiroth (as far as I know, he hasn't been shown yet).

Kingdom Hearts 3

As Projared put it, Square Enix just loves dangling that carrot. While Kingdom Hearts 3 was shown last year at the Square Enix conference, we saw very little of it besides a cryptic and rather bland trailer. Again, we've seen very little of it since E3 2016, and the fans are foaming at the mouth for new information. Another prediction, we will NOT be seeing a release date—just call it a hunch.

It's time for an all out release date!

Persona 5

Its actually been a long time since Persona 4 was released, about seven years in fact. In that time, we've gotten a remake of Persona 3 for the PSP, two fighting games, a remake of Persona 4 for the Vita and a Persona rhythm game. It's about time that we've gotten a legitimate new Persona game, and E3 is the perfect time to really show off some new info. Persona 5 has gotten quite a bit of info released in Japan, as well as a release date, but there is not currently an American release date. It's unknown if it will be a global release or not. 

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

Just announced a few weeks ago, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is set to come out later this year. The Xenoverse series is known for letting you create your own Dragon Ball character and experience a story involving time travel, which not only changes the story, but lets you place yourself in it. Despite Xenoverse 1 coming out on multiple platforms, I would not be surprised if Xenoverse 2 was apart of the PlayStation conference, as there is already a rumor that it will be a PlayStation 4 exclusive game in Japan.

Horizon Zero Dawn

One of the games announced at least year's got everyone hungry for more, and that game was Horizon Zero Dawn. This Scifi Action Sandbox game takes place in the far off future, so far that modern day humans no longer exist and new humans who use old technology to fashion high tech bows and weaponry in order to hunt cybernetic beasts. I'm still dubious as to whether the story can hold up, but the characters look great, the world looks interesting and the gameplay looks exciting! Horizon Zero Dawn actually just got a brand new story trailer, so this all but confirms we'll see more at E3.

Games We Don't know About

infamousInfamous 4 (Or whatever they want to call it)

It's been over 2 years since Infamous Second Son came out on the PlayStation 4, and now would be the time to announce the next one. I'll be honest, I love the Infamous series, so I'm more than a little hopeful to see another game, and there isn't a lot of reason to believe there's going to be a new game. That being said, the President of Sony did recently say that they "won't retire any IPs," so there's still hope

The Last of Us 2

With Uncharted done, Naughty Dog has to do something right? Did they have another IP? Something that played very similarly to Uncharted but had more emphasis on characters and less on exploration? Oh yeah, The Last of Us, that hit game that pretty much every PlayStation owner loved. It came out in 2013, was remade in 2014 for the PlayStation 4 and considering Uncharted is done, Naughty Dog's next project is likely to be The Last of Us 2. Or Uncharted Racing.

A Revival of an Old Character

I don't know who it could be—it could be Crash Bandicoot, it could be Sly Cooper, hell it could be BUBSY (it probably won't be Bubsy)—but with so many new IPS in the works and a fair amount of sequels to recent games coming out, a returning old IP is about all Sony is missing. I mean there's Final Fantasy 7, but there's so much creative license being taken with that, I suspect it's hardly going to resemble the original game. 


And there you have it, 11 predictions for Sony's 2016 E3 Press Conference. I didn't even go into the PlayStation Neo (the Ps4.5) or what they could do with VR. What did you think of my predictions? Are there any games you really want to see at the upcoming conference? Feel free to leave your thoughts in a comment below!

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| Former Staff Writer

 I've been playing games my whole life, mostly Nintendo and Playstation. My all time favorite game series are Pokemon, Infamous, Golden Sun and Persona

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