Watch Dogs 2 Season Pass Details

This story from 2016 is all about Watch Dogs 2's then-upcoming Season Pass.

Published: November 2, 2016 4:59 PM /


Marcus using his phone in key art for Watch Dogs 2

It's only a short while until players get to explore the digital version of San Francisco in Watch Dogs 2 and the PR campaign is entering its last phase before the retail release on November 15th.

Ubisoft today announced the content players will be getting if they buy into the game's season pass. This news comes from a new Ubisoft blog post which also includes a swanky new trailer:

The season pass has 5 packs on the list, most of which add more story missions to the game for players to complete.

The first pack on the list is the 'T-Bone Content Bundle', which adds several themed items to the game for players to use, abuse and wear.

This pack, as the name suggests, is themed after the character T-Bone (who players might know from the original Watch Dogs and the Bad Blood DLC). The pack adds the character's truck and his outfit, as well as a new difficulty level, titled 'Mayhem', for co-op missions to the game.

The player character running in T-Bone Pack gear in Watch Dogs 2

The T-Bone Content Bundle is exclusive to PlayStation 4 players (c'mon, Ubisoft) and is scheduled to release on December 13th, just under a month after the vanilla game's release.

The second pack is 'Human Conditions' and adds three new world stories to the game world in addition to "elite" co-op missions that'll unlock once you've finished the single-player missions in this pack.

These co-op missions feature the Jammer, an enemy type that is hot on Marcus' trail. This content pack is scheduled for Spring 2017 and each story will run for about an hour.

The third pack is called 'No Compromise' and has you take on the Russian Mafia in a new world story that "exposes an even more dangerous side of San Francisco". This pack also adds a new co-op mode titled 'Showdown' to the game. The release date is set for this winter.

Artwork for the Watch Dogs 2 DLC No Compromise

The fourth pack is the 'Root Access Bundle' and features a new mission centered around a character claiming to be the Zodiac Killer, a still-unknown real-life serial killer who was active in the 60s and 70s.

This bundle also adds new clothing items to the game in addition to new cars, a skin for your drone and a new weapon. The release date given is, again, this winter.

The last pack is themed after San Francisco's hippy era during the 60s and adds a new "groovy" weapon, an outfit, a drone, and a new car. This pack will be available at launch.

The season pass is available as part of the Gold Edition of the game ($99.99) or separately ($39.99). Watch Dogs 2 is releasing November 15th on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and November 29th on PC.

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Chris Anderson
| Staff Writer

I've been playing games since I was just barely able to walk so I might as well write about them.

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Watch Dogs 2
Game Page Watch Dogs 2
Ubisoft Montreal
PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC
Release Date
November 15, 2016 (Calendar)
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