Wartales Update Adds Brand New Region With Tons of Content

Wartales' first major content update has added a brand new region: Harag’s Marshlands with tons of content

Published: March 24, 2022 10:28 AM /



The latest Wartales update is its first major content patch, and with it comes a brand new region: Harag's Marshlands. This new region has also led to a level cap increase to level 9, a new Tomb of the Ancients, and much more. There are many new points of interest in the new region, although the plague riddens and Hordes that roam the land are a little too interested in you, so don't get caught up in that when they decide that you're a pretty cool guy and they want you to join them.

New enemies such as Bears, Giant Mosquitos, and Crocswines have been added. Every type of animal save pack leaders or Phantom Swarm can now be tamed, even Giant Mosquitos if you have the right item. Also, if you tame animals then they have their own unique skill trees, and yes, you can have your ponies fight alongside you if that's your thing, you weirdo. Some animals are stronger than before as well, so you watch out for Bill the Pony because he might become lunch for some enterprising wolf if you take him into combat.

As for enemy factions, in the latest Wartales update they each now have a new unit that's unlocked after reaching level 5, along with a new unique passive trait that will make them stronger after level 6. Trackers now have their own factions units with new armor design as well, which is pretty cool. 

Each class will get access to brand new skills, and you can customize your group's appearance via a barber's kit. There are also lots of newly added items, equipment pieces, weapons, and recipes. Interestingly, the way recipes are described in the Wartales update notes is that they're filling in missing recipes that should've been there, which is good for those that have been waiting for them.

There's also a new profession in the form of the Bard, which means you can learn and play songs in taverns. Have you always wanted to have a wandering gleeman in your party? Now you can.

This new region isn't very inviting.

There's also a new Survival battle mode where you have to hold for a certain number of rounds, and a new Escape battle mode where your group will have to reach a specific area to flee while being pursued by your enemies. While fighting you can now see lightning strikes during storms or rockfalls in certain combat biomes.

Weapons such as the dagger, bow, sword, axe, mace, and polearm have been tweaked and updated, and a few bugfixes such as the training camp not refilling their items or major performance and memory leaks have been added. First Aid has also been nerfed, so it still heals 10% HP but only removes poison, burning and bleeding without affecting other debuffs.

The Chinese localization for Wartales is also coming along, and there will soon be an open beta to ensure that the translation is correct and of the highest possible quality. More news will be coming sooner rather than later, so if you're waiting to see the game in Chinese it shouldn't be for too much longer.

Want to see the Wartales update in action? Check out the Harag's Marshlands trailer below:

For more information on Wartales, open-world RPGs, and everything in between, stay tuned to TechRaptor.

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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Learn More About Wartales
Game Page Wartales
Shiro Games
Shiro Unlimited
Release Date
December 1, 2021 (Calendar)
Open World, RPG, Indie
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