Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay Trailer Breakdown

Published: October 1, 2018 4:09 PM /


red dead redemption 2

Rockstar has released another gameplay trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2 as the open world epic draws closer. With just over three weeks left until the game's release, this trailer should give players a good idea of what to expect.

Let's get into it, shall we?

The trailer opens with a dramatic cut from a train hijacking, with protagonist Arthur Morgan wrestling with some no-good bandit as dismayed pedestrians look on in shock. The voiceover calls it "Rockstar's most ambitious open world game to date" as we're shown some cinematic story action.

The trailer cuts to a stunning view from the snowy mountains and the even-more-stunning sight of Morgan rocking a hefty beard. Your facial hair must be trimmed and maintained at a barber as it grows over time in Red Dead Redemption 2.

red dead redemption 2 beard
Check out that beard.

As we enter "gameplay: part two", we see Morgan sneaking out of a window at night. He's caught and quickly thrown into a gunfight. This is presumably meant to show the open-ended nature of the gameplay. The scene, which appeared to be from a story mission, might've played out very differently had you not gotten caught. Alternatively, it could've just been a scripted moment, but who knows?

We see Morgan and his gang eyeing up an oncoming train as the topic switches over to heists. The trailer shows the player preparing to blow-up a railway line, robbing a bank, and taking on what the trailer calls more "personal" endeavors as Morgan embarks on a journey with three women merrily singing.

The trailer follows this up by showing the various ways you can do crime stuff, including holding up a store or burglarizing a house. Alternatively, you could simply explore the vast wilderness. We see some stunning landscapes before tackling the "different and deadly" gangs you'll have to contend with.

Deadeye is then revealed. The slow-motion bullet time/cinematic murder mode that was so prominent in Red Dead Redemption makes a return. The trailer details how it has been expanded and will now progress in stages, allowing you to slow time, paint targets, and see critical areas of a target as you level up your Deadeye. We already knew that the Deadeye system would make a return and that it'd use a leveling system, for more information on this and much more see our detailed breakdown of everything we've learned about Rockstar's upcoming Western epic.

red dead redemption 2 dead eye
Slow-mo bullet time mode Deadeye in action

We're now into the choices part of the trailer. Choices, choices, choices. It may be marketing's favorite word, but it's certainly applicable to Red Dead Redemption 2. The trailer shows how you could choose what Arthur Morgan wears, eats, and wields, as well as how clean he keeps himself. You can get pretty filthy galavanting around the Wild West and you'll need to bathe to keep that grime off. People will react to how dirty or clean you are, so it's up to you how you carry yourself.

The trailer then gets into the many, many things you can do in Red Dead Redemption 2. We see Morgan rowing down a stream, operating a two-man rail cart, playing cards, drinking, dancing, cutting wood, playing that weird yet oddly satisfying knife-finger game, and more. We also see how "your behavior will have consequences" as a woman and her child remember something seemingly bad that you did.

The trailer then goes on to show off the game's first-person mode, which was revealed a couple of weeks ago. It looks solid and certainly offers a different, more personal perspective on the world, but it also looks very much like GTA V's first-person mode. The first-person in that game, which was added with the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions, was a cool novelty but it wasn't ideal for actually playing large parts of the game. Hopefully, Rockstar have ironed out the kinks and made it a viable way to play because it certainly looks pretty awesome.

It also reveals that the cinematic cam from GTA will be in Red Dead Redemption 2. We see some gorgeous landscapes and varied environments as Morgan rides his horse. Finally, the trailer closes out with a dramatic statement declaring that the game is "deep, teeming with life, and very menacing."

red dead redemption 2 first person
The first-person mode in action

For more information about Red Dead Redemption 2, check out our exhaustive breakdown of the recent previews.

Red Dead Redemption 2's online portion, Red Dead Online, was revealed recently. The trailer doesn't go into the multiplayer, but we have some information on it here.

Check out the trailer for yourself below.

What do you think of Red Dead Redemption 2's latest trailer? Does it live up to expectation? Let us know in the comments!

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| Staff Writer

Dan is a lover of games, music, and movies from the UK. He can usually be found buried in RPGs, shooters, roguelikes, and sometimes World of Warcraft, but… More about Dan

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Red Dead Redemption 2
Rockstar Studios
Rockstar Games
PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC
Release Date
October 26, 2018 (Calendar)
Open World
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