Recursive Puzzle Game Maquette Coming To PS4 And PS5

Published: July 1, 2020 10:56 AM /


A shot of the recursive puzzle game Maquette

First-person puzzle game Maquette is coming to PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 sometime soon. The game had previously only been announced for the PC and is the second game in Sony's PlayStation Indies announcement cavalcade this morning.

Developer Graceful Decay describes Maquette as "a puzzle game...more like a story that has puzzles throughout". The narrative will revolve around a young couple in love, and the puzzles will reflect that aspect of the storyline. It'll ask you to "take a journey of love, loss, and acceptance" by using physical, recursive puzzle design to communicate themes. You can check out a new trailer for Maquette on the PS4 below:

To understand Maquette's mind-bending recursive puzzles, Graceful Decay asks you to imagine a house. Every player action within the game happens within that house. Now imagine that there is a small model of that same house sitting on the coffee table in the living room. Everything that's in the big house is also in the small house, and everything you do within the big house will affect the small house, too. That includes opening and closing doors, manipulating objects, and other actions. Maquette isn't set exclusively inside a house, but that's roughly how its puzzle mechanics will work. Graceful Decay is promising "plenty of 'ah-ha' and 'mind-blown' moments".

We don't yet know when Maquette will come to PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5, but we know it'll be on both consoles. When we know more about the release date for this one, we'll let you know, because it looks pretty interesting. Until then, you can wishlist the game on Steam if you're a PC player.

Does Maquette's recursive puzzle design look interesting to you? Let us know in the comments below!

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph