The Last of Us Series is Coming to HBO

Published: March 5, 2020 2:15 PM /


The Last of US series HBO cover

Gamers are getting ready to play The Last of Us Part II, but they'll soon be able to enjoy the adventures of the first game in a new way: The Last of Us series is coming to HBO, and it's got some real heavy hitters on its writing staff.

How heavy, you ask? Well, you couldn't ask for better — Neil Druckmann will be working with the writing team to ensure that the story is on point. (If you're not up to date with your behind-the-scenes stuff, that's the guy who wrote the story for the first game.) What's more, he's going to be working with Chernobyl's creator Craig Mazin, so you just know they're going to nail that post-apocalyptic atmosphere.

Rumors of a The Last of Us movie had been floating around for some time now. It seems that this new HBO series is what we're going to get instead; IGN reports that the movie — originally announced in 2014 — has been canceled in favor of The Last of Us series.

The Last of Us series HBO slice

What Will The Last of Us Series Be About?

So, what's this television show going to be all about? According to an exclusive from The Hollywood Reporter, they're going to be doing it much in the style of The Witcher on Netflix.

As far as we know, the television series is going to focus on the events of the first game which sees Joel trying to guide Ellie to safety in an increasingly dangerous world. While no further specifics were mentioned, the article does note that they've left open the possibility of adding in content from the upcoming sequel that's set to be released in May 2020.

Unfortunately, we can't say for sure when we can watch this show. It's in production, so it's likely that we won't see anything for a year or two at least. In the meantime, you can enjoy the next step in the franchise's story by picking up The Last of Us Part II when it launches on May 29, 2020.

Are you going to watch The Last of Us series on HBO? Do you think they'll do a good job of adapting the story to television? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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