Kingdom Come: Deliverance Main Storyline Won't Be Finished As DLC

Published: February 14, 2019 11:11 AM /


Kingdom Come: Deliverance DLC

Warhorse Studios PR Manager Tobias Stolz-Zwilling was recently part of German gaming talk show Monsters & Explosions (MAX), which is a joint effort by several German-language outlets, including GameStar, GamePro, Mein-MMO and IGN Deutschland. In a specific clip, he answered a question, "is there going to be a DLC finishing the story of Kingdom Come: Deliverance?" His answer was simply "No, as the DLC's are side injections into the game. Kingdom Come: Deliverance is finished as it is, even though there is a cliffhanger."

A controversy erupted when Reddit users stumbled upon the clip and interpreted it as Henry's story being over, assuming that Warhorse Studios would abandon that storyline entirely. The Reddit post sharing it was titled "Warhorse PR Manager: Henry's story is over. Main game won't be continued. Internally, Warhorse decided to move on, despite the cliffhanger." In the comments, Warhorse community manager Rick Lagnese stated that Tobias was merely explaining about the DLC, which Tobias confirmed over email.

The DLCs are supposed to be side injections in the sense that they tell other stories surrounding the story of Henry of Skalitz in the base game, which ends on a cliffhanger that won't be concluded with a DLC release. Tobias also emphasized that "We are just and only working on Kingdom Come: Deliverance and its DLC’s. There is nothing else planned at this moment."

Following its one-year anniversary, yesterday and the acquisition of Warhorse Studios by THQ Nordic, Kingdom Come: Deliverance has been a successful title in spite of its initially rocky release. The studio reported a total of 2 million copies sold for the base game, and 500k copies of DLC. So far, they have released three DLCs: From the Ashes, The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon, and Band of Bastards. The DLC roadmap, as displayed above, shows that there's one final DLC left: A Woman's Lot.

Quick Take

Although Warhorse isn't yet ready to announce a sequel, I believe it's highly unlikely that they won't continue Henry's story in a second Kingdom Come game. As someone who spent over 170 hours on the base game (and still waiting for a final bundle with all the DLC), I never actually expected a DLC finale to the main storyline. The cliffhanger ending was less than optimal, sure, but it made sense that it would be resumed in a proper sequel, which was all but confirmed.

Were you hoping for a DLC finale to Kingdom Come: Deliverance? Does this affect how you were planning to play the DLCs? Let us know in the comments below.


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Richard Costa
| Staff Writer

Hack for hire, indentured egghead, maverick thoughtcriminal. Mainly interested in Western RPGs, first-person immersion, turn-based tactics, point-and-… More about Richard

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Warhorse Studios
Deep Silver
Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date
February 13, 2018 (Calendar)
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