Update: In Resident Evil 3, You Can Hide From Nemesis

Published: March 6, 2020 11:03 AM /


A cool Resident Evil 3 background.

Update: So it turns out that ResetEra and all of the other first sources were wrong about Nemesis being able to break into safe rooms, as Capcom reached out to us with this quote:

We saw that y'all recently posted a story citing an OXM/GamesRadar+ feature on Resident Evil 3 saying that the Nemesis can break into the safe rooms, but I wanted to let you know that that's not actually true, and GamesRadar+ recently posted a story to clear things up.

Original Story Continues Below

Today, Official Xbox Magazine has revealed a lot of tasty tidbits about the upcoming Resident Evil 3 remake. However, this comes with a lot of spoilers, so if you want to go in as fresh and untainted as possible you should turn back now.

Are you ready? Good. Let's dive right in, shall we?

Nemesis, the big bad of the game, will be the first Resident Evil monster that's able to chase players into safe rooms. If he's chasing you, he'll follow you into a safe room. This was done because the developers looked at all the feedback for Mr. X in Resident Evil 2's remake and went "yeah... how could we terrify our players even more?" Looks like we'll have a lot of Twitch Let's Plays to meme over in the next few months.

This also leads to a different type of dilemma: Should players use explosive red barrels on zombies, or save them for Nemesis? Players will have to decide. The good news though is that the first time the players drop him he'll drop some rare loot, which is nice, I guess. You'll be stroking out in fear, but at least this gun is a little extra shiny, right?

Nemesis' AI isn't relentless, because that get's tiresome fast. Think more of the Alien from the Alien movie series. He'll stalk you, give you some breathing room, and then launch another attack. Zombies talk to each other as well and act differently when in a group.

The development team focused on having one consistent story rather than have a bunch of different ways a story could be told. They did a lot to make the story have more depth and stand out, focusing on Jill, Nemesis, and UBSC. This is a story that focuses on Jill vs Nemesis, and their history and reasons for fighting one another will be fleshed out.

Carlos will also be playable and have some sequences but he won't have his own campaign. Apparently he'll be rough around the edges but still be "reliable and likable." The rogue with a heart of gold, and all that.

For more information, be sure to check out the ResetEra thread here. For more information and our eventual review of Resident Evil 3 (which releases April 3, 2020), be sure to stay tuned to TechRaptor.

What do you think of this news? Are you going to play Resident Evil 3's remake? Let us know in the comments!

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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Learn More About Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
Release Date
September 22, 1999 (Calendar)
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