Halo MCC PC Public Flighting Tests Won't Happen This April

Published: April 30, 2019 12:34 PM /


Halo Master Chief Collection Header

Halo: The Master Chief Collection was first announced for the PC last month during the Inside Xbox event on March 12. The port/remaster was dubbed a "rolling release," with the studio 343 Industries set to release each game in the collection one by one, allowing PC gamers to jump right into each title after release, and likely also diminishing the overload on quality control that the simultaneous release of six titles could cause. The remaster will include the full range of PC graphical options, with FOV sliders, 4K resolution, and mouse and keyboard support.

As part of the Halo Insider Program, fans are able to opt into the Halo public flighting, both on console or PC, and possibly being considered for early access play sessions with in-development Halo games. The developers claim that every improvement to the Halo: The Master Chief Collection in the past year was the direct result of fans participating in flights and sharing feedback to the development team. Each public flight has specific goals so not all Insiders will be select for every flight.

In the latest Halo Insider update, Community Director Brian "ske7ch" Jarrard announced that though he had tweeted on April 1st that "if all goes according to plan, this is the month we start the first Reach/MCC flights," which some thought was a joke, there won't be public flighting tests in April, as the month draws to an end. The reasons for this have to do with the development team's commitment to the quality of the PC port.

I know excitement and anticipation is off the charts and everyone here inside the studio shares it as well. But this is a really complicated project and we all agree that quality trumps everything else and we need to bring MCC to PC at the bar Halo fans and PC players expect and demand. That's turning out to be more challenging than first anticipated in some aspects while there's been great progress and work done in plenty of other areas.

Jarrard went to say he can't even hazard another "target timeframe" for the first public flighting. According to him, the 343 publishing team and their partners at Ruffian and Splash Damage are working hard to get all the pieces in place so they can support flighting as soon as possible. He also promised to share a development update blog that will offer more insight into the progression of the project in next day or so. He remains optimistic about the project, saying that "Reach is already pretty fun to play on a PC."

Were you still hoping to get a chance to do some public flighting? Have you participated in previous public flights? When do you think the Halo: The Master Chief Collection PC version flights will start? Let us know in the comments below!

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Richard Costa
| Staff Writer

Hack for hire, indentured egghead, maverick thoughtcriminal. Mainly interested in Western RPGs, first-person immersion, turn-based tactics, point-and-… More about Richard

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Halo: The Master Chief Collection
343 Industries
Xbox Game Studios
Xbox One, PC
Release Date
November 11, 2011 (Calendar)
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