Destiny 2 Exploit Lets Top Players Troll Newbies

If you're part of a low-ranked fireteam in Destiny 2, you probably shouldn't play until a recently-found exploit is fixed.

Published: August 29, 2022 9:53 AM /


Destiny 2 screenshot that has one player facing off against two other players.

A Destiny 2 exploit has seen low-skill fireteam lobbies get obliterated by higher-ranked fireteams gaining access to low-ranked games. This is ironic considering SBMM (skill-based matchmaking) was implemented so that this wouldn't happen, but here we are. I guess SBMM will need a makeover just like Destiny 2 events received, eh? Anyways, let's take a closer look at this entire situation, shall we?

What is the Destiny 2 exploit and how is it being used?

With the addition of Season 18 to Destiny 2, SBMM has been added to the game's PvP. Usually, this means that players are matched in games where they're playing against opponents of equal skill. This system has been used in plenty of other multiplayer games, but Destiny 2's implementation has apparently resulted in an exploit that allows skilled players to enter less-skilled lobbies. You can fill in the blanks from there.

Reddit isn't pleased with this news either, with one commenter stating that it's "pathetic" that "PvP players who tell everyone to "get good" refused to better themselves". Can't really argue with that take.

Destiny 2 Leaks Fortnite Crossover Image, with three characters standing side by side, which have been stated to be a Titan, Warlock and Hunter from Destiny 2's game.
Pictured: you and your high-ranked lads getting ready to beat up some newbies.

That's not all, either: according to Forbes, there is also a PvE bug that means the Resilience stat no longer works on Arc 3.0 Warlocks and Titans. What does this mean? Well, apparently it means players receive more damage than they should, which in turn makes content harder than it should be. This is a particularly annoying bug for players trying to progress, or honestly anyone who wants to play some PvE content with their friends.

Thankfully, Bungie is aware of this issue, and will hopefully fix it sooner rather than later. Given that Bungie hasn't acknowledged the existence of the SBMM exploit, we'll have to see how quickly that issue is fixed; after all, it's arguably an even more critical issue at the moment.

Thanks, Forbes and PCGamesN.

For more information other Destiny 2 exploits and Destiny news in general, stay tuned to TechRaptor.

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Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick