Build Roguelite Cities In Dice Legacy, Coming This Summer

Published: March 11, 2020 10:00 AM /


An in-game shot of Dice Legacy

Roguelites and city-building simulations might seem like an odd match, but developer DESTINYbit reckons it's up to the challenge. Dice Legacy is a roguelite city-builder game hitting PC this summer. It's also getting a console release at some point in the future.

Your goal in Dice Legacy is to build a thriving medieval town in what DESTINYbit describes as a "ring-shaped world". You'll need to balance resource management, exploration, and diplomacy to create the best town you can. Your success - or failure - will depend entirely on how you interact with the world around you. Check out the launch trailer for Dice Legacy below:

DESTINYbit says its game is a combination of the studio's two greatest passions: video games and tabletop gaming. You'll roll your dice and use them to construct buildings in your town. Dice can be upgraded from basic Peasant dice into different classes like Citizens, Soldiers, or Priests. There's also a supernatural element as you bolster your town's defenses against "The Others", a shadowy group of beings hiding something terrifying beneath their city.

You'll be able to pick up Dice Legacy on Steam in summer 2020. We don't have any word on a specific release date for it yet. DESTINYbit and publisher Firesquid are also planning to bring the roguelite city-builder to consoles in the future. If you want to keep up with this one, you can follow the game's official Twitter and Facebook pages. Whether Dice Legacy manages to marshal its random elements and the strategy of city-builders remains to be seen. It's definitely a game we'll be keeping an eye on.

Are you looking forward to checking out Dice Legacy? What other kinds of roguelite games would you like to see? Let us know in the comments below!

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

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