Amazon Listing for Breath of the Wild Official Guide Gives Glimpse Into Scope of Game

Published: January 22, 2017 8:30 AM /


legend of zelda breath of the wild link open world

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the upcoming entry in the highly regarded Zelda series, seeing its debut along Nintendo's newest console the Nintendo Switch. While gameplay has been shown off for Breath of the Wild periodically, some question of just how big this open world actually is and what is in has been left unanswered. A listing on Amazon UK for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Complete Official Guide gives us a glimpse into what the world will include.

From the Amazon page:

120 Shrine mini-dungeons, 900 Korok seed puzzles, 76 side quests all mapped out and ready for you to discover and complete! Also includes optional challenges, mini-games, unlockables, Easter eggs, and more.
That is a lot of numbers for a lot of things we don't know a lot about yet. We've got some glimpses of gameplay of both the mini-dungeons and Korok seed puzzles, however. Here's an example of a mini-dungeon from ProJared:

So mini-dungeons aren't terribly involved, at least in this case. We can probably be fine in saying that this is one of the early ones and other mini-dungeons will be more complex and have more difficult puzzles. Plus, they may not all be strictly puzzle-based either. Assuming they went for great variety in them all, we could see a bunch of cool things in the 120 different ones in Breath of the Wild.

If you take a look at this Facebook post from back in August, you can see some of the Korok seed puzzle gameplay. It's just a brief glimpse, but the Koroks seem to be the general collectible that will be strewn about Breath of the Wild's world. It seems to be just a matter of finding something in the open world to interact with. The closest comparison to think of is probably something like the Riddler Trophies from the Batman Arkham series, which usually take at least a little more than simply picking them up from an area.

As for the number of side quests, it's hard to compare them to another game without knowing what they call a side quest. Does that mean one side quest includes the chain of tasks in quest? Or is every link in that chain counted as a quest? What kind of quests will they be, something like fetch quests or something a little more substantial and narrative driven like in Witcher 3? Witcher 3, for example, has close to 100 side quests if you count the monster contracts and treasure hunts; without them, it has less than the 76 Breath of the Wild supposedly has (using this guide, not including expansions of course).

So those numbers alone, aside from what will likely be a pretty long and sprawling main quest throughout Breath of the Wild, suggests that there will be quite a bit to do in the world. The 900 Korok seed puzzles is a little suspect at the moment though, it just seems like such a crazy amount. Maybe the world is that big to support that many, though; we just don't know yet.

Quick Take

Hopefully Nintendo has looked at something like the Witcher 3 and said "we should go for something like that" rather than the Ubisoft model of just inundating a map with various "points of interest" to go and collect. While it's fine to have one thing like that, having literal hundreds of things to go to and just interact with the once to work towards an achievement isn't all that fun. At least here they are described as mini-dungeons, puzzles, and side quests. All in all, it looks to add a reasonable amount to Breath of the Wild.

This gives the impression that the world will be quite large. Hopefully we can get a more concrete look at that sometime soon to give accurate comparisons.

What do you think this means for the world of Breath of the Wild? Do they look engaging enough to keep people exploring the world?

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Andrew Otton
| Editor in Chief

Andrew is the Editor in Chief at TechRaptor. Conned into a love of gaming by Nintendo at a young age, Andrew has been chasing the dragon spawned by Super… More about Andrew

More Info About This Game
Learn More About The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Nintendo Switch, Wii U
Release Date
March 3, 2017 (Calendar)
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