Snag Indie Games with the Humble Indie Playstation Bundle

Published: January 29, 2019 6:02 PM /



Humble Bundle's latest gaming bundle for charity features nine indie games from various studios for the PlayStation 4. Games available through the Humble Indie Playstation Bundle 2019 include classics such as Grim Fandango, The Bard's Tale, and InnerSpace.

The Indie Playstation Bundle will be available for two weeks, closing at noon on Tuesday, February 12. Altogether, it's worth approximately $239. Titles also include Layers of Fear, Wasteland 2: Director's Cut, The Talos Principle, Broken Age, Killing Floor 2, and Shadow Warrior 2. Soundtracks for four of the games are also available through the Bundle.

Here's a breakdown of the titles:

$1 or more:

  • Grim Fandango Remastered
  • The Bard's Tale Remastered and Resnarked
  • InnerSpace
Beat the Average - currently $9.50
  • Layers of Fear
  • Wasteland 2: Director's Cut
  • The Talos Principle 
  • Broken Age
Pay $15 or more
  • Killing Floor 2
  • Shadow Warrior 2
psnindie2019 bundle killing floor 2
Killing Floor 2 is just one of nine different titles available through the Indie Bundle for your PlayStation 4.

This Bundle's featured charities include GameChanger, Save the Children, and Rett Syndrome Research Trust. GameChanger provides age-appropriate electronics and games to hospitalized children. Save the Children provides programs for advocacy, education, and disaster relief to help at-risk children. Rett Syndrome Research Trust works to develop treatments and cures for Rett Syndrome and other MECP2 conditions. Rett Syndrome is a neurological disorder predominantly seen in girls. It can result in seizures, anxiety, an inability to walk, talk, or use their hands, and respiratory and digestive issues. The monthly charity is charity: water, providing clean water to people in need. Buyers can also choose to donate a portion of the sale to something else on Humble Bundle's extensive list of charities.

Disclosure: Humble Bundle works with TechRaptor for affiliate partnership, and TechRaptor earns a small commission off purchases made from some links in this article.

Quick Take

Although it might sound like I'm a bit of a broken record at this point, Humble Bundle continues to provide win-win situations. Growing up in a hospital can be a lonely and scary experience. Contaminated water leads to a number of diseases, but many people take access to potable water for granted. Consider grabbing some awesome games and help some people out.

What do you think of the Humble Indie PlayStation bundle? Are there any titles in it that interest you? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

| Staff Writer

Staff Writer Jackson is currently learning his fourth language (Polish), enjoys lemon tea, and has angrily refuted claims of being "funny, witty, and/or… More about Jackson