Humble Store Offers Discounts Galore, Shadowrun Returns For Free

Published: June 22, 2018 11:53 AM /


shadowrun returns humble store

'Tis the season of summer, and where there is summer, there are sales. The folks over at Humble Bundle are currently holding a sale of their own at the Humble Store, so we thought we'd spotlight a few of the discounts for you.

First off, you can grab a copy of 2013's turn-based tactical RPG Shadowrun Returns Deluxe for free right now. This deal's only good for a limited time, though; you've got until 5pm UTC tomorrow to claim your copy, then it's back to the standard retail price. Free games are usually a no-brainer, but this one's a special steal.

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If Shadowrun Returns doesn't float your boat, then perhaps you'll be enticed by something in the sale proper, where things are in full swing. Kicking things off is a Konami sale, which sees 8 of the publisher's most well-known titles offered at up to 85% off. Maybe you're in the mood for a flawed masterpiece. If so, check out Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, which is currently on offer at 50% of its standard retail price. If you're of a sportier bent, then Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 (60% off) or its FC Barcelona Edition (60% off) might pique your interest. The Konami sale is running until July 5th.

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If not, there's plenty happening elsewhere in the store. Harebrained Schemes games are currently up to 84% off in the Humble Store, and will be until June 28th - that's the entire Shadowrun Returns series, as well as third-person roguelike dungeon crawler Necropolis. The entire Hitman franchise is currently on sale, too, at up to 75% off the standard retail price. This does exclude Hitman GO, the board game-esque spinoff, but all the main series games are there.

We've missed off plenty of miscellaneous, non-themed games up for sale on the Humble Store right now, so if your wallet isn't burnt out by all the sales (like ours is), then you definitely need to go check out the Humble Store.

Disclosure: Humble Bundle works with TechRaptor for affiliate partnership, and TechRaptor earns a small commission off purchases made from links in this article.

What will you be picking up as part of the Humble Sale this summer? Let us know in the comments below!

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph