Grab Frostpunk, Moonlighter And More In The Humble 11 bit studios Sale

Published: April 26, 2019 9:30 AM /


humble 11 bit studios sale

Fire up those heaters and get ready to stock up those shelves, because it's time for another Humble 11 bit studios Sale. This latest bonanza from Humble offers up classics and undiscovered gems alike at up to 85% off their standard retail price. Let's delve into the 11 bit studios dungeon and see what we find in these treasure chests.

Spring is in full bloom and summer is just around the corner. With that in mind, now seems like the perfect time to weather the Arctic morality tales of Frostpunk (40% off). This game merges city-building and survival gameplay perfectly, leaving just enough room for a series of complex and difficult moral decisions. Frostpunk recently celebrated its first anniversary by selling 1.4 million copies in a year, so it's clearly doing something right. If you still need convincing, check out our review or find out a little about how the game was made.

For something a little more whimsical, try shop management game-come-dungeon crawler Moonlighter (40% off). Players control Will, a shopkeeper who dreams of solving the mystery of the ever-changing caves just outside his hometown. Will must balance keeping his customers happy and exploring the caves during his spare time. Moonlighter captivated us when we reviewed it last year, and we think it'll do the same for you.

After that brief respite, it's time to get gloomy again. This War of Mine - Humble Deluxe Edition (70% off) packs in the base game plus a few nice little extras. This rather unique war game casts players not as heroic soldiers but as civilians desperate to merely survive. Your refuge must be managed and your civilians must be kept relatively happy and secure. Just like FrostpunkThis War of Mine asks players to make difficult decisions in impossible circumstances. Check out our review for more on this gritty, compelling tale of war and humanity.

If neon '80s-style police procedurals are more your thing, then maybe you should take a look at Beat Cop (67% off). Jack Kelly is a former detective who's been framed for a murder. Unfortunately, he's also still a beat cop, so while he investigates said murder he still needs to write tickets, deal with minor altercations, and everything else beat cops do as part of their jobs. Beat Cop combines a Day-Glo '80s aesthetic with a compelling nonlinear narrative. This game should be of interest to fans of Sierra's old-school puzzler Police Quest.

Whew! Plenty there to get stuck into, no? There are loads of games up for grabs we haven't even mentioned, so head on over to the Humble Store for more Humble 11 bit studios Sale bargains. While you're over there, don't forget to subscribe to Humble Monthly for your advance copy of Assassin's Creed Origins before May 3rd. The excellent Humble More Board Games Bundle and Humble Square Enix Collective Bundle are both also still live, so if you're interested in any of the games in those packs then get buyin'.

The Humble 11 bit studios Sale is live until May 2nd. You've got until then to grab some excellent games at ridiculous prices.

Disclosure: Humble Bundle works with TechRaptor for affiliate partnership, and TechRaptor earns a small commission off purchases made from some links in this article.

Will you be picking anything up in the Humble 11 bit studios Sale? Let us know in the comments below!

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph