Wild West Dynasty Release Date Moseys On Into Town

Get your ten-gallon hat and moody Ennio Morricone soundtrack ready, because we have a Wild West Dynasty release date.

Published: November 28, 2022 10:58 AM /


Key art for Wild West Dynasty, which shows a cowboy, a ranch, and a classic Western town with bandits holding up civilians

We now have a Wild West Dynasty release date, so get ready to saddle up your steed and ride out of (or into) this one-horse town. Toplitz Productions' followup to the rather successful Medieval Dynasty launches on February 16th in Early Access and has you surviving in the pioneering era of the Wild West, building a home for yourself and researching a family secret.

Wild West Dynasty is essentially a dynastic survival game along the same lines as Medieval Dynasty. You must do battle with the elements, rowdy bandits, and the wildlife as you try to make a life for yourself out in the American wilderness. You'll have to build towns, scavenge for resources, and recruit other settlers to join your new town.

Toplitz's game will have hand-modeled environments, so there's no procedural generation at work here. It'll also feature an emphasis on building a dynasty (as the title suggests), so you'll have to raise a family and appoint a next-of-kin, all while trying to get to the bottom of a mysterious family secret that might make sense of your history.

The player aiming a gun at a couple of NPCs in Wild West Dynasty
Stick 'em up, soon-to-be-former-partners.

In the weeks leading up to Wild West Dynasty's release, Toplitz will release a series of deep dive videos detailing various aspects of the game, including audio, visuals, and narrative design. If you're interested in how the proverbial sausage is made, these videos should definitely be on your radar. You'll be able to find them on the official Toplitz Productions YouTube channel.

Wild West Dynasty comes to Steam Early Access on February 16th. If the Wild West isn't really your thing and you'd prefer to check out this gameplay loop in Sengoku-era Japan, then you're in luck; Toplitz is also currently working on Sengoku Dynasty, which will arrive on Steam sometime in "early summer", according to the publisher to join their Dynasty series.

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Wild West Dynasty
Game Page Wild West Dynasty
Moon Punch Studio
Release Date
February 16, 2023 (Calendar)
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