Team Fortress 2 Update Starts Addressing Bot And Exploit Issues

SaveTeamFortress 2 trended earlier this year, and caught the attention of Valve who has released their first Team Fortress 2 update in a long time

Published: June 22, 2022 3:08 PM /


Team Fortress 2 Bots

After years of no development on the game, Valve has announced a new Team Fortress 2 update is coming. The game has a very vocal community concerning the gameplay which the update takes steps towards resolving. The primary issues were about the overwhelming presence of bots as well as numerous exploits that players have been using in both casual and competitive play.

The Team Fortress 2 Update

The Huntsman weapon

The team-based FPS Team Fortress 2 released in 2007 and continues to be played by many players. With tens of thousands of players daily, multiple issues have been reported and yet have to receive a response. Reports grew after AI bots were added to the game in 2009 due to their behavior and the fact that they couldn't be removed from the game. With this update, Valve has finally decided to respond to these reports. One of the biggest being an update to the voting system which will finally allow players to kick bots from their game. This could solve a major problem in casual matches that have been known to host a surprising number of bots that are able to eliminate players quickly.

Since Team Fortress 2 has been active for so long, players have discovered numerous exploits which can cause imbalance during. While it's unclear whether the update covers all of them, it definitely targets some of the most notable. In terms of objects, the dispenser has been fixed so it can no longer heal through glass, the Huntsman weapon's speed debuff is now unaffected by loadout changes, and the Ap-Sap can no longer be used to spam noises. For player behavior, the in-game text chat can't be cleared, the "sv-cheats" command has been blocked on secure servers, and players can't change loadouts or class by the enemy No Entry gate to return to their spawn point.

It's been years since Team Fortress 2 was a priority for Valve, but this update is making an effort to finally listen to its dedicated players. Whether this marks a period of further development for the game is unconfirmed.

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Hey, I'm Will Q.
| Staff Writer
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Game Page Team Fortress 2
PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360
Release Date
October 10, 2007 (Calendar)
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