New SMITE sale in celebration of Smite World Championship

Published: December 30, 2015 8:03 AM /


Smite World Championship

Smite World Championship will have its opening day the 7th of January 2016. The tournament will take place in Atlanta and many parallel events will take place alongside it. While January is not that far, the guys at Hi-Rez apparently couldn't wait to celebrate. For this reason, starting the 29th of December through January 7th, all gem bundles will be discounted. The Ultimate God Pack will be discounted as well for a slightly longer period, up until January 10th.

All gem bundles and the Ultimate God Pack (which is an one time purchase that unlocks all past, present and future gods in your account) will be 33% off during the period of the sale. The sale will be available on both PC and Xbox One but Xbox users without a Gold membership will only have 25% off the above offers.

Item Regular Price (USD) Sale Price(USD) Sale Price on Xbox One without Gold (USD)
800 Gem Pack $14.99 $10.04 $11.25
1,500 Gem Pack $24.99 $16.74 $18.75
3,500 Gem Pack $49.99 $33.49 $37.49
8,000 Gem Pack $99.99 $66.99 $74.99
Ultimate God Pack $29.99 $19.99 $22.49
Apparently during the sale period there will be no in-game event, just the flat discount. Then again, it doesn't happen often for gems to go on sale so I would not hold that against Hi-Rez.

As stated above, this sale has been put in place as a celebration for the start of the Smite World Championship (SWC) next January. This event marks the apex of the SMITE competitive year and will host e-sports team from all around the world that will clash their gods for the title of Smite World Champion. High caliber teams like Fnatic and Cloud Nine will perform in the tournament. While the main tournament will be played on PCs and will involve PC-centric teams, the event will also host a Xbox One invitational tournament $150,000 on the line.

In the period of the SWC, Hi-Rez will also host the first edition of the Hi-Rez Expo. The HRX will have boots where attendants will be able to try first the latest projects of the developers, like Paladins and Jetpack Fighter. There will also be a Smite cosplay contest with a grand prize of $20,000.

Looks like the SWC has all the cards to be an amazing event. Luckily we have some discounted gems to enjoy while waiting for the 7th of January.

Do you play Smite? Are you excited for the SWC? Will you attend the event? Let us know in the comments.

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| Former Staff Writer

Gamer since I can remember and now writer for your enjoyment. Can't say more. Those games will not play themselves

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Release Date
March 25, 2014 (Calendar)
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