Just Cause 4 Roadmap and Upcoming Updates Unveiled

Published: March 12, 2019 3:27 PM /


just cause 4 feature image

Just Cause 4, the open world game that lets you play as an infinitely more destructive Spider-Man, will be getting some new content in the near future. According to Square Enix's roadmap for the game, players can expect at least three content updates by July. These content updates will contain a mixture of paid and free DLC.

The first of these updates launches today for consoles (PC players can expect the update within the week), containing a free "Legacy Item" for all players. In this case, the Legacy Item will be Rico Rodriguez's outfit from Just Cause 3. In addition, this particular update will contain improvements to the game's graphics. Such improvements include a new anti-aliasing system and a new 4K rendering solution. As one may expect, performance, water, and vegetation will also look nicer in the game. A few bug fixes are also coming in this update, though Square Enix didn't provide any specifics in this regard. Future major updates will also contain such Legacy Items, alongside the usual assortment of game maintenance improvements and aforementioned paid and free content.

jc 4 roadmap

Sometime in June or July, Monthly Challenges will also be implemented in Just Cause 4. As the name implies, this new challenge system will give all players a chance to earn even more cosmetic items. Given that Square Enix will be revamping the game's customization menu, this would imply that a lot more parachutes, outfits, and wingsuits will be coming. Naturally, details are rather scant regarding all these upcoming features, though Square Enix promises that more details will be coming down the road. If Just Cause 3's DLCs are any indicator though, one can expect some pretty wacky new additions to the game. Vehicles like mechs and literal flying fortresses come to mind, though the sky is literally the limit with a game like Just Cause 4.

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Anson is a Writer at TechRaptor and has been playing games for as long as he can remember. As far as he's concerned, games are one of the greatest forms of… More about Anson

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Just Cause 4
Game Page Just Cause 4
Avalanche Studios
Square Enix
Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date
December 4, 2018 (Calendar)
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