Comic Relief Partners with Oxventure For D&D Prize Draw

The charity organization Comic Relief has officially partnered with the Dungeons and Dragons liveplay group Oxventure, for their latest prize draw: a trip for two to an island resor with, food, beds, and an expertly run DnD campaign

Published: February 8, 2022 3:16 PM /


Comic Relief and Oxventure's logo's on a blank background

Those who live in the UK might be familiar with the charity organization, Comic Relief. They are known for working with other like-minded organizations and campaigns to help combat child poverty, combat disease, and help fund educational programs. In addition to donations, they also do prize draws, an online raffle ticket drawing where higher donations lead to more chances to win. The proceeds are then donated to the functions and causes Comic Relief promotes. And their latest prize draw appears to be in collaboration with the iconic Dungeons and Dragons and the tabletop group, Oxventure.

The details for this prize draw are explained on Comic Relief's page. Officially titled "Dungeons and Dragons: Island of Oxventure" the prize is a trip for two to the remote Osea Island off of the coast of Essex. It will include gourmet food and drink, as well as a two-night stay at the The Captain's House local property. In addition, you will be joined by the gaming group Oxventure, the same crew that spun off of the YouTube channel Outside Xbox, with their own video series of Dungeons & Dragons adventures. You will be a part of a one-shot DnD adventure DM'd by Johnny Chiodini inspired by Osea Island with the rest of the Oxventure crew on hand as your adventuring party. But not only will you be around a gaming table, there will treasure hunts, axe throwing and archery contests, and even campfire cooking included.

A bird's eye view of Osea Island
The island where this will take place. Image Credit: Essex Live News

Through their FAQs, Comic Relief did clarify a few things about this prize draw. First and foremost, this contest is only for those living in the UK. You can submit an entry either by donating £10 or for free by post. Finally, you must be 18 years of age or older to submit.

Given Dungeons and Dragons' popularity as well as publisher Wizards of the Coast's familiarity with charity events, Comic Relief's idea for such an event is not without merit. Entries will be accepted from now until April 10.

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