WeMade announces PvP content for Riders of Icarus

Published: August 4, 2016 6:16 PM /


Riders of Icarus

Riders of Icarus is still in beta. As such, it still lacks some of the features that mark the MMORPG genre. One of the elements that are not currently available in the game is PvP. This is bound to change soon as WeMade, developers of the game, announced via a blog post that the first PvP update for Riders of Icarus will be released later this month.

Exarahn Badlands Portal

The focus of this update will be a new PvP zone called the Exarahn Badlands. This constantly gloomy and eerie place is reachable via a portal that will send players 1000 years into the past, in the time between the fall of the ancient Exarahn Kingdom and the foundation of Hakanas. While in the badlands, every player that is not in your guild alliance or party will be targetable. Here, players that are level 28 or higher will be able not only to battle each other but also undertake new quests and tame new mounts. This content is bound to make this area also desirable for non-PvP player who want to collect all the mounts in the game, like the fearsome Nightmare. Especially considering that there will be no penalty for dying in PvP.

Riders of Icarus Nightmare

With this update, guild alliances will also be able to wage war to each other. The leader of an alliance will have the possibility to choose another alliance and declare an alliance war. During an alliance war, members of the involved guilds will be able to attack each other in both the Exarahn Badlands and Parna's Coast. Worth noting that PvP in Parna's Coast is restricted to players involved in an Alliance War while in lower level areas PvP is never allowed.

When a player defeats another player that is part of an enemy alliance, he will gain a point. The first alliance to reach 200 points will win the war and will earn rewards. There are no details on the alliance war rewards but they will likely include buffs and exclusive items.

It would seem that the PvP system described favors big guild alliances while solo players will find themselves in the cold. While that may be true, WeMade has thought of a way to mitigate the problem. Players that are not in a guild or are part of a guild with a rank lower than 3 can organize themselves in Militias. There are few details on how Militias will work but they can be seen as temporary player alliances in order to support each other in the PvP zone. Militia members will be able to talk to each other in chat and purchase battle buffs, with more details on the system coming soon.

The last feature included in this update will be Manastone Battles. This will be a weekly event which is basically a server wide capture the flag contest. When the event starts, a large Manastone will spawn in Exarahn Badlands. When this happens, players will have to capture it and deliver it to a specific NPC in town. The first alliance to deliver the manastone wins. Winning the battle will bring rewards, although said rewards are not detailed yet.

It looks like that PvP lovers will be able to unleash their rage pretty soon. While this update is scheduled to come out later this month, you can start playing Riders of Icarus right now and get ready for it.

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Luigi Savinelli profile picture
| Former Staff Writer

Gamer since I can remember and now writer for your enjoyment. Can't say more. Those games will not play themselves

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Nexon America
Release Date
July 6, 2016 (Calendar)
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