SMITE patch 3.3 is now live

Published: March 2, 2016 4:38 PM /


SMITE Raijin

Patch 3.3 "Victory Lap" brought to SMITE a lot of needed balances and, of course, the usual load of skins and other additions. The latest update to the battlefield of the gods, added 6 new skins for 5 characters (Sol got her mastery skin in addition to the new one) and some very requested rebalancing to some of the gods, including Chiron, Amaterasu and Sol.

Let's get to the meat of the patch. Hi-rez tweaked their gods quite a bit, in order to address some of the players' feedbacks regarding the balance (or lack thereof) of some of them. With patch 3.3, Amaterasu is receiving a first nerf to her damage, with Heavenly Reflection dealing 80 less damage at max rank (accounting for the 2x modifier for a full charge). This is probably less than many players expected, but Hi-Rez claim that they want to see how she performs with this nerf before trying something else.

Chiron is also receiving a nerf. The centaur has been considered one of the best gods in the game since its release and with good reason. With patch 3.3, he's been hit fairly hard. His herbal medicine no longer grant him healing bonus and Training Exercis no longer cripples enemies. These two seemingly little changes, have the potential to greatly impact Chiron's survaviblity, by many considered way over the average.

Chiron and Amaterasu clearly drew the short straw this time around. There are some less impacting hero rebalances in this patch (notably, Sol's Disapparate skill no longer stuns) but these two gods have been a pain on the side for many adversaries so no one is very surprised by their nerf.

Passing to the visual side of the update, 6 new skins have been added to SMITE including Raijin's metal attire. Precisely the new skins are: Devil Horns Raijin, Reaper Tech Tanathos, Guttersniper Cupid, Epsolon Sol, The Undying Xing Tian and Sol's Mastery Skin. All these skins look awesome but Thanatos' mech suit reaches new heights of awesomeness.

[gallery columns="6" size="full" link="file" ids="73635,73636,73637,73638,73639,73641"]

The patch also carries the usual batch of new achievements, some minor changes to the items and new quests for new players among other things. You can read the full patch notes here.

What you think of SMITE's 3.3 patch? Do you think the gods rebalancing will succeed in addressing player's concerns? Let us know in the comments.

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| Former Staff Writer

Gamer since I can remember and now writer for your enjoyment. Can't say more. Those games will not play themselves

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