(Updated) Manor Lords Mods Discussion Banned on Official Discord

Talking about Manor Lords mods on the game's official Discord has been banned, so don't even think about bringing up that Shrek mod.

Published: May 14, 2024 10:26 AM /


A figure on a horse overlooking a town in Manor Lords

Update: Hooded Horse communications director Joe Robinson responded to our request for comment and explained the situation around discussing Manor Lords mods on Discord.

Robinson says that the decision was made due to players complaining about an issue that turned out to be caused by a mod, which corroborates remarks made by Slavic Magic in our original story.

He says that Hooded Horse is "not looking to proactively suppress Manor Lords mods across the internet", but that the studio will "evaluate other spaces [besides Discord] where we gather feedback as needed" with regards to the mod moratorium.

According to Robinson, while Hooded Horse celebrates players' creativity, the team is currently focusing on "processing feedback and bug reports" during Manor Lords' Early Access period, and players discussing mods is not conducive to that work.

Original story follows below.

Original story: If you want to discuss Manor Lords mods on the game's official Discord, you might have to wait a while, as mod discussion has been banned until the city-builder receives official support for the feature.

Per a message posted by moderator JKM in the Discord server, discussing and "encouraging the use of" mods has been banned in order to "maintain the integrity" of the gameplay experience.

The message goes on to say that the decision to ban mod discussion was made "to ensure that players engage with the game's core mechanics as intended", and that it includes "discussions about how to acquire, install, or use mods".

An aerial view of a village in Manor Lords
This village had better be unmodded, or so help me...

According to the moderator, the rule against discussing mods will remain in place until mod support is added to Manor Lords, but there's "no estimated time for mod support implementation" at the moment, so that rule could last a while.

JKM also says that bug reports relating to Manor Lords mods "will not be addressed" since installing mods can lead to issues that you can only resolve with a fresh reinstall.

That stance is backed up by Manor Lords dev Slavic Magic, who said on X (formerly Twitter) earlier today that players should feel free to experiment with mods, but that they shouldn't report bugs if mods are used.

It's likely that this is why the rule has been put into place, but it does seem like an odd rule given that Slavic Magic has also commented positively on at least two Manor Lords mods: one adding none other than Shrek to the game, and the other incorporating VR.

A battle in progress in Manor Lords
This is presumably what happens if you try and discuss mods on the Manor Lords Discord.

If you're not familiar with Manor Lords, it's a city-builder with grand strategy and RTS elements created by small indie dev Slavic Magic and published by Hooded Horse.

Within just a day on release, the game attracted over 100,000 Steam players and soared past the million-sale mark, a particularly impressive feat given that it's also available via PC Game Pass.

You can check out Manor Lords right now on PC via Steam Early Access.

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

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Game Page Manor Lords
Slavic Magic
Hooded Horse
Release Date
April 26, 2024 (Calendar)
City Builder
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