Kingdom Come: Deliverance Backers Get Stretch Goal Fulfilling DLC Free

Published: June 14, 2019 6:50 PM /


Kingdom Come: Deliverance Backers Get Stretch Goal Fulfilling DLC Free

The Kickstarter campaign for Warhorse Studios’ Kingdom Come: Deliverance (Our Review) was funded at £1,106,371 from a £300,000 goal in February 2014. It included several stretch goals: Live In-Game Period Music, Symphonic Orchestra Soundtrack, Playable Female Character, Performance Motion Capture, In-Game Combat Academy & Company Training Video, Tournament Mode, and Dog Companion. As we reported in March last year, some of this content was planned to be revamped as part of DLC, namely the playable female character and the dog companion. In the Video Update #16 from December 2016, the game director Daniel Vávra had promised that this content would be freely available to backers at a later date.

Yesterday backers received an email from the Kingdom Come: Deliverance website announcing that the DLC A Woman's Lot would be freely available to backers, along with other content. Both Kickstarter backers and supporters can log in to their profiles on the website, connect their Steam accounts, and redeem the following content:

A Woman's Lot brings Kingdom Come: Deliverance to its conclusion, after From the Ashes (Our Review), The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon (Our Review), and Band of Bastards (Our Review), which are not available free for backers. In this new DLC, you play as Theresa, the protagonist Henry's neighbor in the first chapter, and later love interest. The first part of the DLC plays through the first chapter as well, where Theresa experiences the attack of the Cumans on Skalitz, her escape and eventual rescue of Henry from his almost certain death. In the second part, Theresa will witness the transcendence visions of another Skalitz survivor, Johanka. More importantly, in A Woman's Lot players will finally get the promised dog companion.

Other content includes the documentary Fechtbuch: The Real Swordfighting behind Kingdom Come, showing the development of the game's medieval combat gameplay, which was attempted as faithfully as possible, in order to show how medieval knights and soldiers fought.

Finally, if you were a Knight tier backer or higher, you also get the documentary Deliverance: The Making of Kingdom Come, which presents the long and complicated history of the game's development, following its rejection from publishers and its journey through Kickstarter until it achieved further funding from investors and a publishing deal with Deep Silver/THQ Nordic, which has since acquired the studio as well.

One problem, however, is that now some backers have taken to forums with complaints that they had already bought A Woman's Lot prior to knowing that they could redeem it for free through the official website. One user on Steam, Harrington, said: "It's frustrating that I already paid for A Woman's Lot DLC and have been playing it for a week or so and only NOW I get an email saying that I could have gotten the DLC for free." Another user on Reddit, SenseI3ss, said: "Yeah... I am a backer and already bought it so... shite?"

According to another post on Reddit, the DLC has been available to redeem on the official website since May 28, its release date, and Warhorse Studios did post several updates on Kickstarter, Twitter, and Facebook on the same day. It's never easy to reach everyone online these days, but the studio has done more than its share to notify backers that the DLC is available to redeem for free.

Were you a backer of Kingdom Come: Deliverance? Did you purchase the DLC before Warhorse sent out the keys? Let us know in the comments below!

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Richard Costa
| Staff Writer

Hack for hire, indentured egghead, maverick thoughtcriminal. Mainly interested in Western RPGs, first-person immersion, turn-based tactics, point-and-… More about Richard

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Warhorse Studios
Deep Silver
Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date
February 13, 2018 (Calendar)
Purchase (Some links may be affiliated)