Iceberg Interactive Announces Lovecraftian Cyberpunk Game: Transient

Published: October 30, 2019 10:35 AM /


iceberg interactive revealed

Netherlands-based publisher Iceberg Interactive revealed details of their new game, Transient. Set in a post-apocalyptic future, Transient is a first-person adventure where cyberpunk meets Lovecraftian horror. When you stumble upon the terrifying truths behind your world, can you handle it or will your brain crumble?

Iceberg Interactive is the publisher behind many successful video games, including Killing Floor and Endless Space. This time, along with Stormling Studios, we're taken to a deeply macabre world within Transient. Stormling Studios were the brains behind Darkness Within and Conarium. Known for their Lovecraftian talents, they were the perfect fit to mold Transient into the cyberpunk/Lovecraft hybrid it was meant to be.

In Transient, what's left of mankind after an apocalypse lives in a citadel known as Domed City Providence. Here they are safe from the harsh outside environment. Randolf Carter, a member of a hacker-for-hire group called ODIN, stumbles upon a truth that leads him to question his very existence. Keep your consciousness close to you as you explore the secrets hidden in this dark world.

In order to solve all of the mysteries of this game, players must traverse between reality and artificially created worlds. The trailer sets the tone of the Lovecraftian nightmare, with robotic limbs dangling from the ceiling in a room with a living human hooked up to a machine. We're then shown what appears to be a skeletal priest of sorts, with a ritual headdress on. He's dead, and butterflies dance around him. Finally, we return to the human's side as he slowly looks up from the machine and wings split out from his back.

There will no doubt be layers of questions to work through, especially in a world where "change is permanent but reality is only temporary." Keep your wits about you out there!

Transient is slated for release in 2020 on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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Megan Cronin
| Staff Writer

I spent two years at Kingston University London where I worked as a student ambassador while completing a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing,… More about Megan

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