Flotsam Hauls In Early Access Roadmap

Published: October 1, 2019 11:29 PM /


Flotsam whale

Less than a week after entering Steam Early Access, oceanic city-builder Flotsam nets a new roadmap filled with fixes and new content. First on the docket of the Flotsam roadmap is a comprehensive patch addressing community feedback, one aimed at improving pathfinding, objectives, zoom, and all sorts of quality of life fixes. Afterwards comes a day/night cycle, daily reports, scheduling, and more. Sometime later comes "Simple Weather," adding systems, effects, and weather-associated buildings. The last definitively planned update brings new goals and ecological tasks/effects to your floating towns, adding in some persistent effects to manage. More content will almost certainly come after the environmental update, but such ideas have yet to be hashed out.

Flotsam early access roadmap

Notably absent from the Flotsam roadmap are release dates for any of the updates. The small development team out of Belgium states that they're looking to focus on providing quality over speed, and so as to not lock themselves into deadlines. Two hot fix patches have already hit Steam, suggesting we might not have to wait long to get the first major set of community-requested fixes. They also stated that before adding extra features they were focusing on getting important bug fixes done. Still, it's been a long development cycle for Flotsam, as it first started appearing at trade shows three years ago. 

In our Early Access preview, we found the makings of something magical in Flotsam's early days. The delicate dance of resource management as you sail through the oceans means you're never too comfortable. Still, Flotsam was not without its bugs, some that halted progress considerably. Additionally, we found that it was severely lacking in content, even in its early days post-launch. Still, the roadmap looks to address many of Flotsam's rough edges, and the team at Pajama Llama promises that more content will come on the roadmap eventually. Despite lacking a release window for any of the major patches, fans of the watery junk-builder Flotsam will have more to look forward to soon.

What do you think of Flotsam? Do you think the Flotsam roadmap shows a good plan, or do you think roadmaps need target dates? Let us know in the comments below!

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Kyle Johnson
| Japanese Gaming Specialist

Professional painter. Semi-professional weeb. I've played hundreds of games, but finished very few. I speak Chinese and Minnesotan.

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Game Page Flotsam
Pajama Llama Games
Release Date
September 26, 2019 (Calendar)
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