Final Fantasy XV's Multiplayer Expansion Releases Next Week

Published: November 10, 2017 2:54 PM /


Final Fantasy XV Comrades

Final Fantasy XV's multiplayer "Comrades" expansion arrives next week on November 15th, according to Square Enix via Twitter. After multiple delays moving the update from September, to October 31st, and now finally November 15th, Square Enix looks set to add Final Fantasy XV's "first and only online multiplayer expansion." Comrades takes place after the events of Final Fantasy XV's Chapter 13, and covers the events after Noctis disappears. Comrades will allow up to four players to play online and complete quests in the city of Lestallum. Players can customize avatars, develop their own bases, cook food after missions, and support the development of Lestallum. Gladiolus, Prompto and Ignis will be added in future updates.

Not only that but as a member of the Kingsglaive, you can choose a protection from one of the 13 kings. These protections will offer different bonuses to defense, healing, mobility, and attack, effectively substituting as traditional classes. Voice chat is supported, as well as a number of party matching parameters. Comrades will also add in singleplayer quests, though you will need to be online to access them. The Japanese website for Comrades lists the price at 1980 yen, or roughly $20, which is an increase from its earlier listed price of 1500 yen, or $15. Of course, the season pass for Final Fantasy XV includes Comrades as well.

That's not all for Final Fantasy XV news though as Xbox One X and PlayStation 4 Pro owners will now be able to download a patch allowing HDR and 4K support, this also allows players to accept multiple hunts. In addition, the video above shows off some of Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition, which is an adaptation of the game for mobile phones. Coming to iOS and Android devices next year, preregistration for Android phones has opened up on the Play Store. Featuring heavy chibi graphics and touch controls, the Pocket Edition will adapt the entire main story of Final Fantasy XV.

The Pocket Edition requires 5 GB of storage space for the base game, with the high-resolution version requiring 8 GB of storage. Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition will also be an episodic release, with the first episode coming for free early next year. One note on the Pocket Edition: even if your device does meet the minimum requirements, it may not be supported. Some of our own staff members are corroborating this caveat, and it's unclear why this is the case. Despite this, it's still neat to see Square Enix bring a full-fledged console RPG to mobile devices. Final Fantasy XV's multiplayer finally releases next week, on November 15th, with the Pocket Edition coming soon.

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Kyle Johnson
| Japanese Gaming Specialist

Professional painter. Semi-professional weeb. I've played hundreds of games, but finished very few. I speak Chinese and Minnesotan.

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Game Page Final Fantasy XV
Square Enix
PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC
Release Date
October 21, 2016 (Calendar)
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