Grow: Song of the Evertree Beginner's Guide

Last Update: November 16, 2021 8:52 AM /


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Grow: Song of the Evertree is a cozy sandbox RPG that allows you to explore, build, manage, and farm a beautiful world. You aren’t just an everyday farm though; you’re an alchemist with the power to create speeds that spawn new life. Before creating these small worlds, though, you will need to get a full grasp on the gameplay loop. Our Grow: Song of the Evertree Beginner's Guide is here to help!

Your First Seed in Grow: Song of the Evertree

The game starts you off by giving you a seed to grow your first world and does a pretty good job of walking you through your first bits of gameplay. This first seed will grow into three different sections before you will be able to make your own seed. These first few days in the game are your chance to really set yourself up for the long haul, as Grow is a game you will easily pour dozens of hours into. Here are some tips for how to handle your first world:

  • Be sure to harvest fruit, rocks, plants, and wood as they finish growing.
  • If you don’t want to cut down all your trees, then you can shake them to get the fruit.
  • You can travel back and forth several times a day; you’re not gated from returning to your seed multiple times in a row.
  • Be sure to explore the cave to gather some ore and gems.
  • You can press M just about anywhere when running around town to fly to your seed.
  • You can return to the ground instantly by jumping off of your seed.
Grow First Seed

Grow doesn’t have any enemies waiting to attack you, so you can relax and farm the day away. The game’s clock does move, but it’s at a slow speed. Just make sure you’re back to get a good night’s sleep, and everything will go smoothly.

  • Quick Tip: As you fulfill goals, be sure to check in with your book to collect rewards such as blueprints or new accessories.

After you have finished completely growing your first seed, you will be sent on a short quest before gaining the ability to create new seeds. You can mix several different types of essence together to create new and unique worlds to explore. As you build new worlds you will find treasure chests, puzzles, and even learn about Alaria’s lore.

You will also unlock the Everkin village early on, a nifty place where you can trade items to Everkin in exchange for Evercoins. These helpful critters sell things like essence that can help you complete a building project a little quicker.

Grow: Song of the Evertree Alchemy System

One of the core systems of the game is alchemy. To use alchemy, you will need to speak with Copper to transform the materials you have collected into different essences. Items have several different types of essence they can turn into, and the game will select from the list at random. The best way to ensure that you have enough alchemy materials is by constantly harvesting items and bringing them back home with you.

Alchemy Storage

Grow: Song of the Evertree Building System

The building system is a huge part of the game that uses the essence you’ve collected along with the game’s currency, Myora, to build, manage, and customize a town. At the start of the game, you will be given the Meadow Quarter. This is where you are going to build your first few homes for your new citizens to work in. Your town will provide you with more Myora and more opportunities to earn unique items that you can customize your character with.

As you play the game, other districts will unlock, allowing you to grow your town and house even more residents. You will also gain rewards that let you customize your building with fun wallpapers and decorations to set yourself apart from other players.

Grow Song Of The Evertree Building

Grow: Song of the Evertree Social System

Along with worrying about building the town, you will also need to keep its residents happy. To do this, you will need to decorate the town, build specialty buildings like a bakery, and talk with the residents to get to know them. Different residents will have different personalities, and it’s up to you to keep them happy. Oftentimes they will request clothing items or want you to find a job that suits their personality. You can even see what their dream jobs are and what you can do to make them happier.

  • Quick Tip: You can check ongoing NPC quests at any time by using your book.

There are even special festival days where helping them will earn you coupons. These coupons can be redeemed at the nearby tent for special items like golden keys that unlock treasure chests. You can also give your townsfolk gifts to help them accessorize the way you want.

Grow Song Of The Evertree Book

Grow: Song of the Evertree Fishing and Bug Catching

To round it all off, there are a lot of different fish or bugs for you to catch. You will need to explore and create different seeds to find them all, though. You will be able to begin both of these activities near the start of the game and are given the tools for fishing and bug catching for free. These can be traded for Evercoin, a resource that can help you buy items from Everkin.

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Jessica Thomas
| Staff Writer


Jess is an otaku at heart who spends most of her time gaming, reading manga, and collecting anime figures. She has worked for several big names… More about Jessica

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Grow: Song of the Evertree
Prideful Sloth
505 Games
Release Date
November 16, 2021 (Calendar)
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