God of War Bottoms Up Artifact Locations Guide

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God of War Bottoms Up Artifact Locations

Stuck finding the God of War Bottoms Up artifact locations? We've got you covered. These six artifacts are located throughout the Mountain region in Midgard in the game, and are required to unlock the Curator Achievement.

All God of War Bottoms Up Artifact Locations

God of War Bottoms Up Artifact Location 1

God of War Bottoms Up Artifact Locations 1

In the room where you first find the mine cart, off to the side of the main mining area, after moving the cart aside you'll notice a spiked door behind where it was initially resting. Open the door and you'll find the first artifact on the floor.

God of War Bottoms Up Artifact Location 2

God of War Bottoms Up Artifact Locations 2

After defeating the dragon, walk into the cave and go up to the second floor. You'll fight a few enemies and then find a sap barrier that Atreus needs to dismantle with his new electricity powers. After he does that, go past the bucket hanging down and get the cup behind it, a handled stein.

God of War Bottoms Up Artifact Location 3

God of War Bottoms Up Artifact Locations 3

Once you emerge at the Summit on the mountain, you'll cross a bridge to find a blocked door, one that is a climbing way that is unblocked later in the game. Turn to follow the path to the left hand side of the door, there's a giant boulder with a corpse behind it and the next artifact, a tripod cup.

God of War Bottoms Up Artifact Location 4

God of War Bottoms Up Artifact Locations 4

This one is available when you take the second pathway up the Mountain on subsequent times, since the dragon fight and mine cart from your first journey are no longer available. After battling the Frost Ancient, continue on to the next corridor and hoist yourself onto a ledge. You'll find a piece of lore on the ground as well as the next artifact, right before crossing a narrow wooden ledge to continue on.

God of War Bottoms Up Artifact Location 5

God of War Bottoms Up Artifact Locations 5

In the central mining room, when you are going up the Mountain for a second time you are able to destroy the sap barrier in the room, on the left hand side, with one of Atreus' shock arrows. Behind it is a corpse with the next cup at its feet, one with sheep and goats on the side.

God of War Bottoms Up Artifact Location 6

God of War Bottoms Up Artifact Locations 6

As you're initially making your way into the mountain, go past the room with the Deer God in it, to the one with the spinning rune statues and waterfalls. Go to the center platform with the broken wooden apparatus, where you'll end up if you slide down the rope from one of the upper levels. With the main part of the apparatus on your right hand side, walk forward down the path and light the crystal on the wall. To the right of the crystal is a rotting wooden wall that you can destroy. Enter the room and then destroy the wooden table on the far side, you'll find that behind the table is a corpse and the last cup that you need to complete your artifact collection.

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| Former Staff Writer

Courtney Ehrenholfer is an aspiring novelist and screenwriter, and current journalist who greatly enjoys video games, especially those of the point and… More about Courtney

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Game Page God of War (2018)
PlayStation 4
Release Date
April 20, 2018 (Calendar)
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