Battlefield 2042 Update 4.0 Out Tomorrow

The wait is almost over for Battlefield 2042's 4.0 update, which is out tomorrow, April 19th.

Published: April 18, 2022 11:54 AM /


Battlefield 2042

Battlefield 2042 is out tomorrow, April 19th, and there are a bunch of big changes and additions coming with it. It took until March 8, 2022 for the game to finally receive scoreboards, and today is the last day that Battlefield 2042 will be out in the wild without VOIPThat's utterly ridiculous, but, hey, that's how Battlefield has been the last decade or so: unpolished, buggy messes that fans have tolerated until they couldn't anymore. The fact that it took months to receive a scoreboard and almost half a year to receive VOIP in tomorrow's update is beyond pathetic, but hey, I still have the rest of the Battlefield 2042 update 4.0 to complain about, so let's get to that, shall we?

What's in Battlefield 2042 update 4.0?

While scoreboards were added in update 3.3 from last month, this update will receive a UI refresh so that the scoreboard will be available during the End of Round screens. For the many dozens of players still playing, that will undoubtedly come as a sweet relief, but don't worry, there's more of that coming. There are also balance adjustments to Specialists and updated Traits for Rao and Palik, improvements to Sundance's Speciality so that Anti-Armor grenades are more effective against targets in their immediate vicinity. The M5C Bolte's passengers are easier to target, and its missile launcher has been reduced in power. Players can now ADS (aim down sights) when exiting a vehicle and can now revive players near objects. Ribbons and XP Events are now also easier to unlock across modes as well, so players will no longer be tearing their hair out trying to get them.

Weapon attachments have been overhauled so that when customizing your gun they will be more unique and noticeable. Before they were too similar according to the developer and it wasn't clear how they'd impact weapons when switching between them. Here's an example of that updated behavior when customizing and AC-42:

How the AC-42 customization looks in Battlefield 2042.

There's so much in update 4.0 that its update notes have been published in two parts. The second part focuses on updates to improvements in Melee and Vehicles, with animation fixes related to melee takedowns fixed, along with an issue that would cause a gun animation to play instead of a knife animation, which sounds pretty funny, actually.

As for vehicles, they've been adjusted across the maps and modes. For instance, the amount of vehicles per match has been adjusted per sector:

- Sector 1 - 17 -> 13
- Sector 2 - 18 -> 17
- Sector 3 - 19 -> 17

There's also been some tweaks and fixes to a bunch of vehicles, including the AH-64GX Apache Warchief, EBAA Wildcat, F-35E Panther, KA-520 Super Hokum, LATV4 Recon, LCAA Hovercraft, M5C Bolte, MAV, MD540 Nightbird, MV-38 Condor, Polaris Sportsman, and T28 / M1A5. The fixed issues range from the wing camera in the Apache Warchief being fixed to the impact damage of the HEAT shell in the T28 / M1A5 being increased from 90 to 115.

For more information on EA, Battlefield, and everything in between, stay tuned to TechRaptor.

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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Electronic Arts
Release Date
November 19, 2021 (Calendar)
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