Tunic Glyph Tower Guide

Last Update: March 18, 2022 1:09 PM /


Tunic Glyph Tower Guide

You've fought and defeated (or rescued) The Heir, you've collected Secret Faeries and Secret Treasures all over the world, and there's just one last puzzle to solve. In this Tunic Glyph Tower Guide, we will explain how to find this strange place and what it has led the Tunic secret hunting community to. It might not be the end of the path yet, but this room and it's secrets are still under investigation.

How to find the Secret Treasure Room?

If you've been collecting the Secret Treasures then you likely already know the room we're talking about, but if not head through the back of the Old House and down the passageway to the room where you found your shield. Instead of heading North-West to the second exit instead head South-East into the darkness of the room. Here you'll make your way through a passage to a room with 12 pedestals, one for each of the Tunic Secret Treasures. 

How to unlock the doorway to the Glyph Tower?

After you've obtained at least 6 of the Secret Treasures a glowing light will emerge in the middle of the room, walking into it will take you to the Glyph Tower. At the Glyph tower you'll see a series of 12 statues around you, each with a bright light on top and a relief of one of the tentacled figures that routinely pop up throughout Tunic. If you press the Dpad or Arrow keys different symbols will start generating around the room, each button press in a different direction will cause the symbols to shift seemingly randomly.

What is the hint for the Glyph Tower?

Translating the text from Page 54 of the manual will give you a small hint as to what you're meant to do in the Glyph Tower room. The hint is found in the "For additional support & secrets" and translates to:

1. Find some rare golden statues
2. Traverse the glow to visit 12 strange beings
3. “Un sing” to them the greatest song, the song of the golden path, as seen from within.

Tunic Spoiler Warning


What to do at the Glyph Tower?

If you take the Golden Path that you've completed to Open the Mountain Door, flip it on the Z-axis, and then trace it back from the center the runes around the Glyph Tower. The full path that you will use should be:

Down - Left- Down - Right - Right - Down - Left - Down - Left - Down - Left - Up - Left - Down - Right - Down - left - Up - Up - Right - Right - Down - Right - Up - Right - Down - Right - Up - Left - Up - Right - Up - Left - Left - Up - Right - Up - Right - Up - Left - Up - Left - Up - Right - Right - Down - Right - Up - Right - Down - Right - Up - Right - Right - Down - Right - Up - Left - Up - Right - Down - Right - Up - Right - Up - Right - Down - Left - Down - Down - Right - Down - Left - Up - Left - Down - Right - Down - Left - Down - Left - Down - Right - Up - Right - Down - Left - Down - Right - Down - Right - Down - Left - Up - Left - Down - Left - Up - Left - Down

Starting directly south of the entrance, will spell out a message that will direct you to a website: https://doyoufeartheeyesofthefarshore.co/

Featured on this website is a short looping video of a shadowy tentacled creature with eyes glowing the same color as the three gems that you'd use to unlock the seal on The Heir. While a neat easter egg this puzzle goes much much deeper.

Is there anything more to this website?

You can download the eerie audio file that's playing on the website, simply titles a.mp3, and check its properties. Within the comments for the file you'll find the message "thank you for playing".

Tunic Thanks for playing

Twitch Streamer Angrevol took this a step further by dropping the audio file into a spectrum analysis tool. After tweaking the audio file more of the games in-universe symbols appeared with the following message:

We are the eyes of the far shore

Tunic Spectrogram
Image credit to Blansi of InformeGamer

What is the Far Shore, and what is next?

The Far Shore is referenced a few times in the games in-universe language on pages 6 and page 18. On Page 6 the name is simply written in the top right, and on Page 18 it's referenced in the message "Warning! Pilgrims to the shore are stripped of this false power." As Page 18 is in reference to the different upgrades that you obtain during the game it's likely that "the Shore" is where they player was when they were robbed of their abilities and needed to reclaim their body.

As for what's next we have a sense of foreboding as something is watching us that we should be afraid of, whether this is setting up a sequel and a larger mystery, DLC content, or just meant to be one last puzzle to leave us feeling uneasy is too early to say... but we'll keep an eye on the situation (and keep trying to discover more about the Far Shore and these strange tentacled enemies ourselves) and update as we find more.

Congrats to angrevol and other members of the Finju Discord community for finding these secrets

Have a tip, or want to point out something we missed? Leave a Comment or e-mail us at tips@techraptor.net

Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

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Andrew Shouldice
Release Date
March 16, 2022 (Calendar)
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