ELEX 2 - Tilas' Apprentice Guide | Kill or Save Marwin?

Last Update: March 1, 2022 10:41 AM /


Tilas Elex 2 Berserker

Early on in Elex 2, you'll be asked to hunt down an alchemist's Apprentice in the Berserker's Fort, giving you the mission "Tilas' Apprentice." Players are faced with a choice as part of this quest, and while it is minor - each choice has its own benefits.

Tilas' Apprentice Mission - Kill or Save Marwin

Once Tilas has given you your task, you'll leave the fort in search of the lost apprentice. As it turns out...you're not the only one who is looking for him, as you'll encounter an Outlaw named Sid who is searching for this apprentice in hiding.

Eliminate The Persuer - Save Marwin

When talking with Sid, you'll have the opportunity to decline to help him get rid of Marwin. If you say no, you'll be offered a few choices, along with some decreased destruction.

  • Kill Sid - Should you choose this, be ready for a fight and he hits hard. If you can avoid this, it may be best early on.
  • Convince Sid to back off - You can also give him the option to abandon the Berserkers and go elsewhere. There are two ways to accomplish this:
    • Pay Him Off - He can't be bought.
    • Convince Him - If you have 20 Strength you can convince him to leave.
  • Agree to Kill Marwin - See "Eliminate The Apprentice"  below

Should you decide to Save Marwin, you'll head back to the fort to meet with Tilas. At the gate, Gardar and his buddy will shake you down for some shards (50.) If you pay, Gardar will like it, or you can deny which he'll dislike. Past this, go straight to Tilas.

Eliminate The Pursuer Rewards:

  • Tilas won't pay you, but he'll put in a good word with Fenris so that you can get into the Upper Fort.
  • Talk to Marwin and he'll give you a Mage's Potion, which permanently gives you +1 Intelligence
Sid or Marwin

Eliminate The Apprentice - Kill Marwin

When talking with Sid, you'll also have the choice to go along with his plan to kill Marwin, and take his place to learn alchemy under Tilas. Choosing to go along with his plan will decrease destruction a bit, but then increase it when you offer to kill him. That said, you'll still have to find Marwin - so follow the map marker and kill the two biters attacking him.

He'll ask you to join him in his camp, and then you'll be offered a few choices.

  • Kill Marwin - Should you choose this, be ready for a fight and he hits hard. If you can avoid this, it may be best early on.
  • Send Marwin Away - You can also give him the option to abandon the Berserkers and go elsewhere. There are two ways to accomplish this:
    • Pay Him Off - This will cost you 300 Shards
    • Convince Him - If you have 30 Intelligence you can convince him to leave.
  • Change your Mind - If you change your mind, you'll need to go back to Sid for "Eliminate the Persuer"

Should you decide to Eliminate Marwin, you'll head back to the fort to meet with Tilas. At the gate, Gardar and his buddy will shake you down for some shards (50.) If you pay, Gardar will like it, or you can deny which he'll dislike. Past this, go straight to Tilas.

Eliminate The Apprentice Rewards:

  • Tilas won't pay you, but he'll put in a good word with Fenris so that you can get into the Upper Fort.
  • Talk to Sid and he'll give you 400 Shards.

There are your two choices for the Elex 2 Tilas' Apprentice quest - both have their merits and based on your playstyle you can choose what's best for you!

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Rutledge Daugette
| CEO and Founder

Rutledge Daugette is the Guides Editor & Founder of TechRaptor. Rutledge's degree in Game Programming ultimately led him to found the site in 2013, with… More about Rutledge

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Piranha Bytes
THQ Nordic
Release Date
March 1, 2022 (Calendar)
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