Is The Order 1886 Still Worth Playing?

The Order: 1886 is still one of the best examples of "Cinematic Storytelling" in a video game done right. Here's why it's still worth playing.

Published: September 28, 2019 12:59 PM /


Is The Order 1886 Worth Your Time

I'll just cut to the chase here, The Order: 1886 isn't going to be your retroactive Game of the Year.  It's not going to become this years cult hit either, but that's okay. The Order: 1886 is still a good game that was surrounded by negative press at the time of its release and, quite frankly, deserves a second chance.  I'm not going to defend the game's rather short total run time, or its lack of any standard features such as multiplayer or a new game plus mode. Where The Order succeeds, though, is in its storytelling, incredibly captivating world, and incredible visuals.

The Order: 1886 is still one of the best examples of "Cinematic Storytelling" in a video game done right.  As someone whose spent their entire life in the film industry, its clear that developer Ready at Dawn knew exactly what they were doing when making this game.

From the game's anamorphic lens emulation and unconventional aspect ratio, to its surgically precise attention to detail, the above average performances by the cast, and its photo realistic looks at times, the world building in The Order: 1886 is really something special. Unfortunately, we're only offered a brief glimpse into this world, and with the way the game was received back in 2015, it doesn't look like we'll be seeing The Order: 1887 anytime soon.

In the video above Nick gets into great detail on the game's gameplay mechanics, why those black bars exist, and why this game had a rough and unfair launch mostly due to its price.  The Order: 1886 is still a good game worth checking out, and since you can get it for about the cost of two of these, it's worth the few hours of enjoyment you might get out of it.

Did you play this game back in 2015?  Will you give it a chance now?  How would you fix The Order: 1887? Lets us know in the comments below!

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Nick Maillet TechRaptor
| Former Lead Video Editor

When im not playing games Im working on TV shows as a colorist. You can find me on twitter posting pictures of my rabbit and other useless junk.

More Info About This Game
Learn More About The Order: 1886
Game Page The Order: 1886
Ready At Dawn
PlayStation 4
Release Date
February 20, 2015 (Calendar)
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