Larian Studios All Articles - Page 3

baldur's gate 3 logo

Larian Studios Teases Baldur's Gate 3

RPG fans everywhere rejoice! Larian Studios, developers of the award-winning Divinity: Original Sin series appear to be developing the long-awaited Baldur's Gate 3. The news stems from the teaser…

October 27, 2019 | 07:33 EDT

divinity fallen heroes

Divinity: Fallen Heroes is the Next Game from Larian Studios

Divinity: Fallen Heroes has just been announced as the next game from Larian Studios. Obviously, this upcoming title is set in the Divinity universe and will show a continuation of the various races…

March 27, 2019 | 12:45 EDT

Artwork depicting several fantasy archetypes engaged in violent combat with only black, white and red colours visible. The art is in the style of ink-drawings, with the splashes of red to represent blood. Across the image the title "Divinity Original Sin II" is written.

Divinity: Original Sin 2 Beginner Guide

Divinity: Original Sin 2 established itself as one of the finest examples of CRPGs in recent years. Its amazing voice acting, fantastic gameplay, and the engaging story really overjoyed the fans of…

October 30, 2017 | 01:00 EDT

Divinity Original Sin II Review Header

Divinity: Original Sin II Review - As cRPG As You Can Get

Have you ever played a Tabletop game with other people? Say, a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with a particularly skilled Dungeon Master? A DM so dedicated to the craft that every direction and piece…

October 17, 2017 | 09:00 EDT

divinity original sin ii best multiplayer readers choice
Game Page

Divinity: Original Sin II

Larian Studio's sequel to their award-winning Divinity: Original Sin will have players fighting to stay alive as they are hunted for their illegal magic.

September 18, 2016 | 05:39 EDT

Divinity Original Sin 2 Logo

Divinity: Original Sin 2 Hits Early Access September 15

Ever since Divinity: Original Sin 2 was Kickstarted almost exactly a year ago (August 26th, 2015), it was highly expected to go through an early access period before launch. That's because the first …

August 22, 2016 | 01:15 EDT

Divinity Original Sin 2 Logo

Divinity: Original Sin 2 Quickly Funded, Explains Gameplay

Divinity: Original Sin 2 launched its Kickstarter yesterday with a goal of $500k. It has already been funded. They don't have stretch goals on the page yet, but we should expect them soon. Also…

August 27, 2015 | 11:25 EDT

divinity original sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin II Announced

Larian Studios is heading back to Kickstarter, this time with a sequel to their last success. Divinity: Original Sin II will start its Kickstarter campaign August 26th. As of now, what features there…

August 12, 2015 | 10:48 EDT

Divinity Original Sin Key Art

Divinity Original Sin Review - The RPGiest RPG

Many will likely compare Divinity Original Sin to Baldur's Gate, and it is a fairly apt comparison as the best way to describe Divinity Original Sin is a modern-day iteration of that franchise. That…

July 9, 2014 | 09:00 EDT