XCOM 2 First DLC Anarchy's Children and Patch Coming Soon

Published: March 9, 2016 12:39 PM /


XCOM 2 Anarchy's Children

XCOM 2 was February's big smash hit that arrived early in the month and is still going strong for many users. While the title has been plagued by many performance issues and bugs, it's core gameplay managed to outshine that for most users, including our own reviewer. While the size of the issues came as a surprise to Firaxis apparently, they had claimed to be working on it and it appears that soon we might be witnessing the fruit of that as the first full patch will be arriving later this month alongside the first of their Season Pass DLC: Anarchy's Children.

XCOM 2 Anarchy's Children Squad Assemble

Set to arrive on March 17, Anarchy's Children is the first part of XCOM 2's Reinforcement Pack and will be reinforcing all the fashion and customization to soldiers people have been doing. This is basically a set of over 100 new customization options for soldiers including hair styles, face paints, armor, lower face props, decals, helmets, masks and more. This will allow players to create even more characters that they want without dipping into the games considerable modding base which features over 1000 mods on the Steam Workshop.

XCOM 2 Powered up

For users like myself though who have had significant issues with XCOM 2 despite surpassing requirements easily, the more exciting part might be the vague promise there that they are going to be releasing a patch that will include performance optimizations (namely it might have some) and gameplay bug fixes. The game has other then a single hotfix update released for PC back on February 17 and then on Linux and Mac a few days later been significantly lacking in official support for issues instead with many key mods and advice helping users improve their performance.

Anarchy's Children will be arriving via Steam on March 17 as stated and is part of the Reinforcement Pack season pass. It will also be available as standalone DLC for $4.99 or your regional equivalent.

XCOM 2 The Joker
Why so serious?

Quick Take

I haven't been really able to play XCOM 2 due to the bugs and performance issues so I hope they do sort this out. I find it pretty absurd that they haven't been able to do much at all for the game in over a month to fix up some glaring technical flaws and that quote of them saying they didn't know about them makes me wonder how much testing they really did. The fact that they aren't across the board 100% doesn't change the fact that the issues are widespread and varying in what they are shows a lot of concerns. I want to be able to play the game and enjoy it though as what I was able to play looks like a tightly designed game meant to iterate and tweak the formula in a good way.

As for Anarchy's Children - it looks nice but it has to compete with an army of mods that do similar things. The issue with modding is that things like just plain cosmetics are tougher to do.

What are your thoughts on Anarchy's Children? Do you think it's taken too long for a significant patch for XCOM 2? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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Don Parsons
| Senior Writer

A longtime lover of speculative fiction, in almost all its forms, Don joined TechRaptor in 2014 on a whim sending in an application as he was looking for… More about Don

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Game Page XCOM 2
2K Games
PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC
Release Date
February 4, 2016 (Calendar)
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