Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble And Wargroove Are Crossing Over

Published: March 11, 2020 10:30 AM /


A close look at the best boy.

Today, Area 35, the publisher of Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble, has announced that they will be cooperating with Chucklefish for a free DLC called Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble - Caesar's Rescue that includes Commander Caesar from Wargroove. There will also be another DLC released on the same day called Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble - Will of the Shogun, and a partnership with Limited Run games.

The free DLC crossover with Wargroove includes a new campaign for players to help the "best boy" Caesar save the world and help him return back home to the Kingdom of Cherrystone. Also, with Caesar's arrival in Tiny Metal, there is also a new pixel style as pixilation spreads across the world. A new DLC campaign special rule will mean that players will try to ensure that the units given at the beginning of the DLC will survive until the very end, or at least as many of them as possible. Don't worry about Caesar, though, because his presence is enough to "inspire and guide troops" through thick and thin.

The second DLC, Will of the Shogun, will continue Tiny Metal's story and launch on the same day as Caesar's Rescue. There will be a brand new act, while also adding Legendary Battles and the more difficult 'Legendary' difficulty mode, along with new Skirmish maps. 

Area 35 has also partnered with Limited Run Games to release everything made up until this point into a physical edition for the Nintendo Switch called Tiny Metal: Ultimate, including the original Tiny Metal, Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble, and both DLC's. There will be a Standard Edition, which includes everything above, and a Limited Edition which will include the physical OST from Tiny Metal, Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble, and the DLCs.

Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble - Caesar's Rescue will launch on the Nintendo Switch and PC on March 19 for free. Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble - Will of the Shogun will launch on the Nintendo Switch and PC on March 19 for $3.99. Tiny Metal: Ultimate will be available to pre-order for the Nintendo Switch from March 13 for two weeks via the Limited Run website.

What do you think of this news? Have you played Wargroove or either Tiny Metal game? Let us know in the comments!

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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