Six Temples Brings Multiplayer Fantasy Combat to Steam

Published: October 1, 2019 9:20 AM /


Six Temples Action Scene

Today developer Camel Cup Graphics has announced Six Temples, a competitive fantasy game coming to Steam.

Do you like the idea of a hero shooter, but find that there’s too much shooting? Rather have some quality might and magic in that mix? Smack someone on the head with a sword? Well then Camel Cup Graphics has announced Six Temples and it may just be what you need. You’ll pick a class from 10 distinct characters, each of whom has unique weapons and skills, then take part in various multiplayer modes. The game supports either a 12 v 12 v 12 three team mode, or a 36 player free-for-all. In addition to this, the game will procedurally generate the map, giving players something different to fight on each time. If you want to see some of the action, check out the trailer below.

The game’s website gives a bit more detail about the content you can expect to see. So far, three of the ten classes have been announced, two of which are offense classes while the third is range. If you want to be an offense-based player then right now you’ll get to play as either the strength heavy barbarian, or the speedy mercenary. Not interested in punching people with a sword? Then you can always play as the magic throwing wizard instead. The website shows there’s still one more offense class, and two more defence, range, and support classes, to be shown off.

Six Temples does not currently have a release date or platform outside of PC. A private beta will be run sometime this month, which you can sign up for here.

How do you feel about Six Temples? Do you feel it may be a few temples too many? Would you rather have more temples? Let us know in the comments below!

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Samuel Guglielmo TechRaptor
| Reviews Editor

I'm Sam. I have been playing video games since my parents brought home a PlayStation whenever that came out. Started writing for TechRaptor for 2016 and,… More about Samuel

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Game Page Six Temples
Camel Cup Graphics
Maya Virtual
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