Singularity 6 Announces Palia, an MMO 'Community Sim"

Singularity 6 is a new game developer with veterans from some heavy-hitters in the industry and it's just revealed its very first game: Palia, a massively-multiplayer online "community sim."

Published: June 3, 2021 10:00 AM /


Palia Singularity 6 reveal cover

Singularity 6 is a new game developer with veterans from some heavy-hitters in the industry and it's just revealed its very first game: Palia, an MMO "community sim" that looks like it's going to be a boatload of fun.

You probably haven't heard of Singularity 6 and that shouldn't be a surprise — this new game developer has only been around for three years or so. It seems that it's spent that time wisely and cooked up something pretty interesting, too. If you like stuff like Harvest Moon or The Sims, then Singularity 6's first major project might be something that you don't want to miss.

Palia Singularity 6 reveal farm
This cozy farm is one of the many pieces of the world of Palia, and it looks like it was built by a player — note the human and the workbench towards the bottom.

What is Palia?

Palia bills itself as a massively-multiplayer online "community sim" in a press release. That certainly sounds interesting, and things only get more intriguing as we look over what this new Singularity 6 game promises to deliver to gamers.

"We’re so excited to invite players into Palia for the first time. Inspired by some of our favorite titles, our game lets you forge your own destiny, exist in a beautiful setting, and give you a sense of being at home. We expect the players to be a huge part of shaping the game, and we can’t wait to see what they do in Palia." – Singularity 6 Co-Founder and Game Director Aidan Karabaich

Much like elves in fantasy, humans are the "legendary race" in the world of Palia following a strange disappearance thousands of years ago. New players will awaken in a small lakeside village without any idea of how they got there — and that's where your adventure begins.

Palia has been in the works over at Singularity 6, a new game developer that formed in the late 2010s. This company has some mighty development muscle behind it with veterans from Blizzard Entertainment, Epic Games, Riot Games, Sony, and Zynga counted among its staff.

Players can "collaborate, explore[,] and progress" within the online game world. Social matchmaking features will ensure that your friends are relatively close to you in the game world and dedicated players can form "Neighborhoods," the game's version of player guilds.

There's still a lot we don't yet know — what can you actually do in this game? The images and associated material indicate that cooking, fishing, and farming will be a part of the game, along with building and decorating your own home. It looks like resource gathering will be a factor in the game, too.

The devil's in the details, however, and there's still a lot we don't yet know. Fortunately, we won't have to wait too long to see exactly how Singularity 6 is going to make its ambitious project a reality.

Palia Singularity 6 reveal slice

Sadly, the Palia release date has not yet been announced. The game will be making its way to PC; a price or monetization model has not yet been announced, either.

The good news, however, is that you might be able to play this upcoming Singularity 6 game a lot sooner than you think — you can register for the Palia pre-alpha at the game's official website right now.

What do you think of Palia? Does the theme of an "MMO community simulator" appeal to you? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Palia
Game Page Palia
PC, Nintendo Switch
Release Date
August 10, 2023 (Calendar)
MMORPG, Survival
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