World of Tanks Blitz Offers "Real" Moon Property With New Mode

Published: April 8, 2020 10:23 AM /


WoT Blitz

Gaming can be something that earns money for players. Look at E-Sports, for example. Players have won millions of dollars for being the best. In World of Tanks Blitz, though, being the best means that you can potentially earn land on the Moon.

In World of Tank Blitz's new Gravity Force game mode, there will be a 'Sea of Tranquility' moon map between April 10 and 16, which will replicate space conditions for players, including "recoil recalibration and a floaty feel on the following maps: Sea of Tranquility, Mirage, Winter Malinovka, Desert Sands, El Alamein, Normandy and Dead Rail."

The players who do the best will be competing for certificates of ownership over the real Sea of Tranquility, which have been purchased in partnership with Lunar Embassy, USA. As apparently the world's only recognized moon land dealer company thing, Lunar has worked closely with World of Tanks Blitz to deliver this "amazing prize" for the best Gravity Force players.

Dennis Hope, Head Cheese at Lunar Embassy said of the project: ‘We were delighted to partner with the World of Tanks Blitz team tank battles to the surface of the Moon – and we will be thrilled to welcome some new neighbours on to our Lunar home. This is one small step for man, but one giant leap for Tank-kind.’

Andrey Ryabovol, Product Director of World of Tanks Blitz said: ‘We are excited to bring players an outer-space experience, with real outer-space prizes! Get prepared for moon mechanics that will have commanders and tanks fighting physics across many different maps, and we look forward to rewarding the best out-of-this-world warriors amongst you!’

Is the World of Tanks Blitz Moon Property real?

One of the big questions that this opportunity raises is if it is real. We're not lawyers here at TechRaptor. but the Outer Space Treaty specifically reserves the Moon and Outer Space as part of the Common Heritage of Mankind and prevents any nation from laying claim to it. In regards to private enterprise, it states, "The activities of non-governmental entities in outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, shall require authorization and continuing supervision by the appropriate State Party to the Treaty." 

The Moon Treaty, which has been ratified by 18 nations, takes things further by prohibiting private ownership of any part of the Moon. Notably however, the US has not signed or ratified the Moon Treaty.

The Lunar Embassy on their site has a detailed FAQ that goes into their view of the matter. They state in one part, "It’s a bit like in the old west: Who stakes their claim on a piece of land first, gets the best property. This is modeled on old american law. Such a claim must be registered with your local Governmental Office for claim registries. In regard to Lunar properties, it obviously helps, if this is also done in the USA, as the Americans were the first to walk on the Moon and plant their flag on it (ie it could be argued, that if the Moon ever belonged to anyone, it certainly belongs more to the USA than any other nation)."

Given the US has given up any claim on the moon or anything like that it seems this is unlikely, and the value of Mr Hope randomly tossing darts on a map of the Moon to decide where the acre to be sold is questionable.

That said, Wargaming seems to view this as a bit of fun in troubling times, so if you view it just as owning a bit of silly paper you'll be happy. We've asked Wargaming a bit more their view on the situation regarding the Moon and will update this with more information.

For more information on World of Tanks Blitz, be sure to go here.

What do you think of this news? Are you going to try and win some moon land? Let us know in the comments!

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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